Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 15
Because Robinson feels it is
extremely important to make every
effort possible to protect these
historic treasures, she has made it
her "personal mission" to preserve
Bucks County's history by doing
whatever she can to save more
than 500 old deed books that are in
desperate need of restoration.
To that end, she has made efforts to make the office more
Recorder's files, she mentioned records relating to the
emancipation of Negro slaves, dating back to the late 1700s.
accessible when using social media. Information on the office
can now be found on Facebook: @BCRecorderofDeeds;
The impact of those emancipation proclamations was
riveting, and it made her appreciate that educating citizens to
the history contained in such ancient records is of paramount
importance. "If we know our history, maybe we won't end
up repeating mistakes we've made in our past."
Twitter: BucksROD; and Instagram: BucksCountyROD.
In an effort to make the Recorder's office more accessible to
all Bucks County citizens, Robin has made sure to take the
office "on the road." So far, she has made sure to "bring the
Because she feels it is extremely important to make every
effort possible to protect these historic treasures, she has
made it her "personal mission" to preserve Bucks County's
history by doing whatever she can to save more than 500
old deed books that are in desperate need of restoration.
She noted that some deeds filed during and shortly after the
Civil War were actually made from "blue paper" taken from
material used to make the uniforms of Union soldiers who
served in the army during the War Between the States.
office" to folks living in Warrington, Warminster, and Penndel
To address this critical need, Robin has initiated the Deed
Book Restoration Project. Although all of the deeds impacted
have already been scanned into the Recorder's software
system, Robin believes it is imperative to do whatever
is necessary to preserve the original books, and there's
no time to waste.
both Republican and Democrat.
at their Community Day Events. She's learned that it's
important to alert Bucks County citizens, especially seniors, of
ongoing scams being perpetrated by companies that mislead
new residents into believing they have to purchase a copy of
their deed at costs approaching $100 from those companies
when that is not so. In an effort to alert older citizens to such
swindlers, she's made sure to have booths manned at various
Senior Expos hosted by Bucks County's state representatives,
"I look at the Recorder of Deeds Office as a non-political
office. My goal is to make the office run as efficiently as
possible so that it serves the needs of all Bucks County's
citizens." In accordance with that philosophy, she has sought
to bring a thoroughly professional approach to the office.
Even though there is some financial support for such a
purpose allocated through the state's Record Improvement
Fund which pursuant to Pennsylvania law imposes a $5
assessment upon all recorded documents for the purpose
of "improving the record," it will take additional efforts on
the part of dedicated vendors and generous contributors
interested in preserving Bucks County history to make her
initiative succeed. She has also applied to the PA Historical
Museum Commission for a grant to help underwrite the cost
of the restoration efforts, and she's asked anyone interested
in assisting the project to reach out to her office.
From using the latest technology available to keeping the
premises clean and sparkling, (even if it means helping to
clean the office herself), to making sure that as a "full-time"
Recorder of Deeds, she is at the office every day, Robin
Robinson has every intention of making the Bucks County
Recorder of Deeds Office the very best it can be.
And for anyone who doubts her ability to deliver on that
promise, you can be assured that based on her track record,
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bucks Writs - Summer 2018
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 1
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 2
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 3
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 4
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 5
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 6
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 7
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 8
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 9
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 10
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 11
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 12
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 13
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 14
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 15
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 16
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 17
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 18
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 19
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 20
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 21
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 22
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 23
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 24
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 25
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 26
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 27
Bucks Writs - Summer 2018 - 28
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