www.CHESTERCMS.org The Art of Chester County artist Kathryn Young Deaville C hester County has a wonderful mix of building styles and materials reflected in our homes, barns, and buildings. During the three hundred or so years Chester County has been populated each age has had its imprint and characteristic features of building design and materials. The early pioneers had log structures. Yes, actually many are still around if you keep your eyes open. The Log Background painting: Gay Street Cabin in Downingtown is one example. Next came the prerevolutionary period. Many of the old stone homesteads and barns throughout Chester County are from this period. It is fun to look for these old homesteads. When you do, focus on the stone used to build the home or barn and the stone wall fences that might surround the house. That stone was nearly always mined from a small quarry on the property. There are continued on next page > FA L L 2 0 1 9 | C H E S T E R C O U N T Y M e d i c i n e 1 7http://www.chestercms.org