ChesterCountyMedicineWinter2018 - 14

"Be a Part of Teen Health Week"
continued from page 13

obviously helps to counteract that belief.
With more than a billion adolescents worldwide, this age
group comprises one of the largest segments of the world's
population. The rapid physical and emotional growth of this
age group differentiates it from the needs of children and adults;
while health behaviors resulting in illness later in life often start
in the teen years. Although there are observances for specific
teen health issues (e.g. Teen Dating Violence Prevention Month,
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month, Youth Violence Prevention
Week), the Global Teen Health Week is unique in that it focuses
on a holistic view of teen health.
During the week, activities should focus around tentative
overarching themes, which are broad enough to encompass most
adolescent health issues:

Why have a week focused on adolescent health? A
week dedicated specifically to adolescent health as a whole
focuses youth and adults on teen health issues in a positive
and proactive way, rather than with negative messaging that
so often is what teens hear. Teen Health Week encourages
adolescent engagement in their own health and helps to teach
adolescents health self-advocacy. After all, it is up to us as
adults, as health care providers, and as a society to arm our
youth with the tools they need to manage their own health
and well-being so that they can develop into healthy and
productive adults. Teen Health Week provides an opportunity
to dispel common misconceptions about adolescent health.
One of the most prevalent misconceptions is that when we
talk about "Adolescent Health," we are only talking about
sexual health. This is absolutely untrue. Teen Health Week
emphasizes health across all organ systems. For example, we
are all well aware of the mental health issues facing our teens,
that many of our teens are exposed to violence at home or
in their communities, and that substance abuse remains a
major health issue for youth. Many teens and their parents
are unaware that there is still a need for annual well-visits, or
that vaccination requirements do not end in early childhood.
Another, perhaps surprising, misconception that Teen Health
Week tackles, is that many adolescents do not believe that
adults take their health concerns seriously. Teens often tell me
that they feel this is particularly true with how adults react to
their mental health concerns. When adults and communities
all focus on adolescent health together for a week, we are
clearly showing our youth that, yes, their health, physical and/
or mental, is important to us. Lastly, many adults (physicians
included) think that adolescents don't care about being healthy.
A central aspect of Teen Health Week is the engagement of
youth leaders to implement Teen Health Week at school, to
participate in peer-peer education, to share healthy messages
on social media, to name a few. Teen Health Week very

14 CHESTER COUNT Y Medicine | WINTER 2018

* Sunday, March 18:

Violence Prevention

* Monday, March 19:

Preventive Care and Vaccines

* Tuesday, March 20:

Healthy Diet and Exercise

* Wednesday, March 21:

Mental Health

* Thursday, March 22:

Sexual Development and Health

* Friday, March 23:

Substance Use and Abuse

* Saturday, March 24:

Oral Health

Participants in Teen Health Week are not limited to these
topics, however. Individuals, practices and communities are
invited to be as creative as possible in highlighting any important
adolescent health issue during the week to suit their teen
Pennsylvania physicians are enthusiastic about such a week
focusing on adolescents, but a common question is, "How can
we participate?" Here are 10 simple things you can do to be a
part of this global initiative:
1. Wear lime green throughout Teen Health Week to show
support for adolescent health. Share pictures on social media
using #2018teenhealth.
2. Share online health resources that you would like your
adolescent patients (or their parents) to utilize rather than
going to Wikipedia, for example. Place this information,
printed on lime green paper, in your waiting or exam rooms.
3. Share educational materials that your practice regularly uses
with a local school. Promote your own practice's involvement
in Teen Health Week with these materials by using pre-made
Teen Health Week logos or lime green paper.
4. Contact a school or youth-based organization in your
community to make them aware that you or your practice is
participating in or supporting Teen Health Week. Encourage
them to plan to participate in March, letting them know that
toolkits are available to help them.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ChesterCountyMedicineWinter2018

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