CPM Spring 2019 - 30

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Spring 2019


a 101-page report to the Committee.
Senate Resolution 20 was approved by
the Pa. Senate on Feb. 5, 2019. It calls for a
study to review several aspects and impact
of previous medical liability reforms, which
will enable a more measured approach to any
future changes to rules governing venue in
medical liability actions.

On Dec. 22, 2018, the Pa. Supreme Court
Civil Procedural Rules Committee (Committee) published a proposed rule change
in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, which would
revise the venue rule (the county in which a
case may be filed) for medical liability cases. Current Status
The Pa. Supreme Court has agreed to accept
By allowing venue in counties with lit- the recommendations of Senate Resolution 20
tle to no relation to the underlying cause and delay its decision on the proposal in order
of action, claimants could shop for ver- to await further study by the Pa. Legislative
dict-friendly venues in which to file their suits. Budget and Finance Committee (LBFC) of
potential effects of venue rule changes. The
The Pennsylvania Medical Society report is due no later than Jan. 1, 2020.
(PAMED) mobilized a movement through
stakeholder involvement to flood the ComThe fight isn't over and it's still vital for
mittee with comments. PAMED formed physicians to voice opposition to venue
a coalition of 42 state-based organizations rule changes.
who oppose the proposed venue rule changes.
Next Steps
There is strength in numbers - 2,560
All physicians are encouraged to meet with
physicians, patients, and other stakehold- legislators to discuss how the proposed venue
ers submitted comments directly to the rule changes would affect medicine and specifCommittee through PAMED's online form. ically their practice. Personal stories will help
PAMED thanks all physicians who submitted to keep this issue front of mind for legislators
personal comments. PAMED submitted while the LBFC drafts its report. Find your
30 Spring 2019 Central PA Medicine

local legislators and resources for a legislative visit at www.pamedsoc.org/VenueRule.
On March 22, 2019, PAMED met with the
LBFC. PAMED shared our comments that
were submitted to the Court's committee and
offered our help with its study. PAMED also
plans to testify at an upcoming LBFC hearing.
PAMED is seeking a legislative fix to the
prior authorization process to address patient
care issues, such as delays in needed treatment.
Our efforts are supported by a coalition of
more than 50 patient and medical advocacy
groups and is recognized as a national issue
by the American Medical Association (AMA).
Current Status
Lobbyists for physician stakeholders met in
February 2019 to outline a plan for bill introduction, discuss bill language, and strategize
a plan for the 2019-2020 legislative session.

http://www.dauphincms.org http://www.pamedsoc.org/VenueRule

CPM Spring 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CPM Spring 2019

CPM Spring 2019 - 1
CPM Spring 2019 - 2
CPM Spring 2019 - 3
CPM Spring 2019 - 4
CPM Spring 2019 - 5
CPM Spring 2019 - 6
CPM Spring 2019 - 7
CPM Spring 2019 - 8
CPM Spring 2019 - 9
CPM Spring 2019 - 10
CPM Spring 2019 - 11
CPM Spring 2019 - 12
CPM Spring 2019 - 13
CPM Spring 2019 - 14
CPM Spring 2019 - 15
CPM Spring 2019 - 16
CPM Spring 2019 - 17
CPM Spring 2019 - 18
CPM Spring 2019 - 19
CPM Spring 2019 - 20
CPM Spring 2019 - 21
CPM Spring 2019 - 22
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CPM Spring 2019 - 40