CPM Spring 2020 - 20
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was metastasized thyroid cancer. Michelle 10 years ago and diagnosed as dense tissue, her hair. Being a computer-wiz and research
then underwent radioactive iodine therapy. began to bother her. She noted that every aficionado, she read about Penguin Cold
Normalcy then resumed for a short while.
time she had brought this to the attention of Caps and brought this new technology to
At the age of 41, Ms. Hummel started to her physicians, they did not find it concern- the attention of her physician who eventually
experience heavy periods that were uncharacter- ing especially since her mammograms were agreed to try it. Ms. Hummel became the
istic of her normal cycles. She noted that they inconclusive. While in the midst of purchasing first Hershey Medical Center cancer patient
worsened to the point where she was unable to a new home, Michelle received a daunting to try this technology and noted that she
drive to work without needing to change her phone call from her physician that her latest lost minimal hair. When her hemoglobin
clothes due to the heavy flow. Ms. Hummel ultrasound demonstrated an irregular mass dropped to alarming levels, Michelle found
went to see a physician who performed genetic that warranted further exploration. Due to natural means of raising these levels and was
testing and found that she had the BRCA-2 her oncological history and presence of the able to successfully achieve this to the surprise
gene mutation, which also increased her risk BRCA-2 gene mutation, she underwent a of her medical team. About two years later,
for breast cancer. The patient was eventually right-sided mastectomy with resection of 22 she underwent a left-sided mastectomy at
diagnosed with uterine cancer and underwent lymph nodes. Pathology returned showing around Christmas time at the suggestion of her
a complete hysterectomy. The procedure went Stage 3 breast cancer. Due to the presence oncologist due to her gene mutation. Despite
of advanced disease, she was scheduled for the traumatic experience that this may have
well and all of her symptoms resolved.
advanced chemotherapy. Ms. Hummel was on some, Ms. Hummel noted that she made
At the age of 46, Ms. Hummel noted that adamant about not allowing cancer to victimize it through with the strong support system that
her right-sided chest lump, initially discovered her again and was thus determined not to lose she has developed from her children, mother,
20 Spring 2020 Central PA Medicine
CPM Spring 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CPM Spring 2020
CPM Spring 2020 - 1
CPM Spring 2020 - 2
CPM Spring 2020 - 3
CPM Spring 2020 - 4
CPM Spring 2020 - 5
CPM Spring 2020 - 6
CPM Spring 2020 - 7
CPM Spring 2020 - 8
CPM Spring 2020 - 9
CPM Spring 2020 - 10
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CPM Spring 2020 - 13
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