daup h i n c m s .o .o rg Advanced Heart Failure Care at Penn State Heart and Vascular Institute Options for Patients Penn State Heart and Vascular Institute offers a variety of treatments for advanced heart failure including: heart transplant, total artificial heart and left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implant (as destination therapy or bridge-to-transplant). Whom to refer? Individuals with Advanced New York Heart Association Class III or Class IV and one or more of the following symptoms1 should be considered for referral to Penn State Heart and Vascular Institute: Inability to walk less than one block without dyspnea At least one heart failure-related hospital admission within six months Not responding to or not able to tolerate: ACE inhibitors Beta-blockers Angiotensin receptor blockers Furosemide dose more than 1.5mg/kg/day Measured peak VO2 less than 14ml/kg/minute or less than 50 percent age/gender predicted on treadmill 1 Russell SD, Miller LW, Pagani FD, Advanced heart failure: a call to action. Congest Heart Fail. 2008; 14: 316-321 To make a patient referral for advanced heart failure care, call 1-888-478-8971. PennStateHershey.org/heartandvascular 1-888-478-8971 Central PA Medicine February 2017 5 HVI-11381-17 65972 010417http://www.dauphincms.org http://www.PennStateHershey.org/heartandvascular