ChesterNewMatterWinter2017 - 4
President's Message
Christine Zaccarelli, Esquire
t has been an amazing year serving as your President!
I thought I would finish the year with an article about a
few things you still may not know about me...
My love of all things Pittsburgh is well known and now
well documented after one of the highlights of my year,
our trip to my favorite city in May for the PBA House of
Delegates meeting. I also endured, I mean enjoyed, what
felt like a private photo shoot all over the City with our
beloved Executive Director, Wendy Leeper. What many
don't know is that I'm not actually from Pittsburgh! I grew
up right here in Chester County but visited Pittsburgh
often to visit family and fell in love with the city.
Another highlight of my year was the Bench Bar
Conference at the Chesapeake Hyatt in Cambridge, MD.
Who knew you could spend Bench Bar by the pool! I
think a great time was had by all and if you attended the
hospitality suite Friday night then you do already know
this but for the rest of you...I Love Karaoke! Most know
how much I enjoy music and attending concerts but Brian
Nagle, Emily Crocker and I could have fought for the
microphone all night.
As much as I am looking forward to my President's
Dinner, most don't know that I was terrified to host the
President's Dinner this year. Bill Wilson was a fantastic
example and I was so pleased to preside over the dinner in
his honor; normally I look forward to almost any public
speaking event but the thought of all eyes and ears of the
Chester County legal community on me for so long kind of
freaked me out!
4 | New Matter
Chris and her husband, John
Lastly, as some of you may have heard by now, my last
day with Legal Aid of Southeastern PA will be October 25,
2017...gasp! I am honored and thrilled to let you know
that on November 1, 2017 I will begin a new adventure as
the CEO at the Crime Victims' Center of Chester
County, Inc.
It has truly been my honor to lead this amazing
organization this year; thank you for all of your support
both during my Presidency and during my transition to
the CVC. And most importantly, I hope you had as much
fun as I did this year!
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ChesterNewMatterWinter2017
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