GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 6

a message from GRCA CEO & President

Meet Jim
A Q&A with GRCA's new CEO & President
Q: While many already know your
name and know that you served
as a congressman representing
Pennsylvania, could you give
everyone a brief background
on yourself and some of your
previous work?

Q: What have you learned about the Greater Reading
business community during this time?
A: Berks County businesses are comprised of excellent, talented
professionals who are great at what they and their companies do
every day. But moreover, they possess a strong passion to improve the
economy and quality of life of the entire Berks County community.
Their volunteerism and civic engagement is impressive, and serves as
a terrific foundation for great successes in the future.

A: I was raised in a small western
Pennsylvania steel town north of
Pittsburgh and then graduated from
Dickinson College and the Dickinson Q: What are a few of the goals you have for GRCA as an
School of Law in Carlisle. I got my first organization?
job as a practicing attorney in West A: As I continue to learn more, I think the core mission of
Chester, which is how I ended up in southeastern Pennsylvania. GRCA ultimately is to support and strengthen job retention and
After practicing for 10 years, I was elected to the Pennsylvania State job growth in the county through the plethora of programs and
House by 23 votes out of 17,000 votes cast. I went on to serve four activities we conduct. To do that, we need to provide the best of
years there, then eight years in the State Senate and, finally, 12 years services and programming that bring real value to our members
in Congress. After leaving Congress, I headed up a non-profit, pro- and supporters, focus on supporting and implementing critical
business organization in Washington, DC called BIPAC.
economic development projects in the county, and be a loud, strong
voice for the business community on the state and federal policies
that will impact their business success.
Q: You started your job as CEO & President of GRCA at the
beginning of a global pandemic. Tell everyone a little bit
about how the last couple of months have been for you Q: OK, now for a few fun questions. Tell everyone a fun fact
and your team.
about yourself or something people may be surprised to

A: Hectic and frazzled! The GRCA team is full of topnotch learn about you.
professionals who strive to serve the business community as best they A: I was named best actor in my high school senior class even though
can in a very challenging environment. Like other organizations, I was only ever in one play in my life. The play was "My Fair Lady,"
the crisis has altered or hampered programming, events, and other and I played the drunk and swooning Alfred P. Doolittle. I actually
services, and our revenue streams have been significantly impacted. sang two songs, and thank God there are no surviving recordings!
Yet, our team continues to find impactful ways to serve and support
Berks businesses, and we believe we will come through the crisis
Q: What shows have you been binging and/or books have
even stronger and more focused.
you been reading during this time?
Q: How have you been able to form relationships with your
team and the board members under stay-at-home orders?
A: We continue to build our relationships despite having to
communicate via conference calls or Zoom meetings. It isn't ideal.
It's simply the life we are all living. As my mom always said, "Bloom
where you are planted." This is where we all find ourselves, so we
will continue to build our team from this foundation forward.

A: I have been reading Hack, the story of Baseball Hall of Famer
Hack Wilson, who is from my hometown of Ellwood City, and
who still holds the major league single-season RBI record of 191
set in 1930.
Q: What are your favorite things to do or hobbies when not
under a stay-at-home order?
A: I enjoy reading historical biographies and trail biking.



GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020

GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 1
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 2
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 3
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 4
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 5
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 6
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 7
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 8
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 9
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 10
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 11
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 12
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 13
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 14
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 15
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 16
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GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 18
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 19
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