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as his platform, he is ruthlessly disciplined in his goals
each week. He says that the three legs of his videos are,
"Motivation, inspiration and education. Each video needs at
least one of those, and the best ones have all three." Regular
viewers can expect book reviews, quotes Pederson's been
pondering or simply his take on what the market's been
doing. What they won't get are any strong sales pitches.
When questioned about the complexity of doing video,
Pederson counters that he's actually drawn to it because
of the simplicity. Taking the advice of Gary Vaynerchuk,
Pederson doesn't edit Ken's Korner, instead allowing people
to see his performance, as is. "I think it humanizes the
experience a bit for people to see me stumble over a line or
interject an 'umm," or an 'ah.' In an email newsletter, people
might question a typo, but when you flub a word on video,
they consider me to be more approachable."
positioning your brand in such a way that you are providing
value to prospects to increase your likelihood of success for
when they are ready to buy.
And 10 years later, you don't have to look to the big
agencies - or even cities like Cleveland - to see content
marketing in action. Here's how two very different brands
are using content marketing to drive awareness, desire and
action in Central Pennsylvania.
Ken Pederson refers to himself as an introvert, but likely
you'd disagree. After all, for nearly a decade his weekly
video blog, Ken's Korner, has gone out to more than 1,200
Realtors on Friday mornings.
Even allowing for the "two or three times per year" Pederson
doesn't make it on the air, that still means that conservatively
he's done more than 400 episodes, or twice as many as the
cast of Seinfeld. An introvert? Really?
After building successful mortgage companies for others in
Central PA, Pederson went out on his own nearly a decade
ago, opening the first Pennsylvania branch of FAIRWAY
Independent Mortgage. Wanting to communicate regularly
to both prospects and Realtors (who provide a regular
source of referrals), Pederson launched an email newsletter
almost immediately, and focused far more on what the
market was doing and far less on selling his services.
The email newsletter soon evolved into a full color PDF
for a few years. Now, it's been so long Pederson doesn't
recall how he made the decision to go into video but
acknowledges it was probably in and around the rise of
YouTube. And since then, Ken's Korner has been a staple in
Pederson's marketing arsenal.
While Pederson may not remember why he chose video
In addition to letting you know what's going on in the
marketplace, Pederson's years of experience allow him to
clearly explain the context of market movements. While he
never claims to be smarter than the market, he's not afraid
to offer his opinion of whether market fluctuations suggest a
buyer could do better by expediting or delaying a purchase.
"Ken's Korner is produced to help those in the Real Estate
community," says Pederson. "If I can provide insight into
what the market is doing, that will enable Realtors to perhaps
provide more astute counsel to their clients."
In addition to producing Ken's Korner for Realtors and
other circles of influence, Pederson releases another email
to people considering loans that goes out each Saturday.
Recognizing that context is everything, he believes that what
a homeowner wants to learn about is far different than what
a referral source would.
For Pederson, Ken's Korner has allowed him to be seen as
a thought leader in the space, and years after starting the
platform, he calls himself "ridiculously amazed" that more in
the marketing and sales profession haven't copied from this
page of his playbook.
Of course, if they were to do so tomorrow, they'd already be
four hundred episodes behind.
Jeff Bleacher knows that
when most people think of
accountants, "numbers" are the
first words to come out of their
mouths and in some cases, also
the last. And that's precisely
why his firm has a robust
content marketing program.
For years, Ross Buehler Falk &
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of LancasterThrivingSummerFall2017
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