Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 9

L C M E D S O C .O R G

ShareCare provides transportation services
at no cost to older adults in the Lehigh Valley.
The adults receiving services are transported
to and from medical appointments, social
events, grocery shopping, non-grocery shopping, personal care appointments, pharmacy,
and other locations. These services are
made available to customers that have been
evaluated and assessed. Trained volunteer
drivers from local faith organizations and
the community at large provide all transportation services in their privately owned
automobiles. They are trained to provide
personal, safe, and secure assistance.

locating groceries, bagging the groceries and
making sure the groceries are taken into the
home. Also, transportation can be provided
to social events where the volunteer is a
companion and as a result volunteer/customer
relationships build. The volunteer can stay
with them and give them gentle assistance
and social support.
As part of the grocery shopping program
volunteers will also go shopping for the
customer. There are customers who cannot physically walk or navigate through a
grocery store.

Volunteers provide more than basic transAs part of the other services, program
portation, they become companions. For volunteers will help with visitation, chores,
example, when transporting a frail or disabled Canine Caregivers ® program, and respite care.
older adult to a medical appointment, the The coordinator who coordinates the above
volunteer is available to go into the building services also helps with our Spanish speaking
with the customer, assist them in locating the clients who may need transportation, grocery
office, and stay with them until called for their shopping and other services. She is bi-lingual.
appointment. After the completion of the
appointment, the customer is escorted back
All services are provided at no cost to customto the car and driven home. Volunteers take ers regardless of their income status. However,
customers grocery shopping and will assist in we do prioritize low income individuals needing

medical appointments. It is recognized that all
older adults need to be connected socially to
the community in order to maintain a healthy
and fulfilling life.

ShareCare has
waiting lists in most
areas and is in need
of volunteers.
Got 2 hours a month, Got 2 hours
a week, or even Got 2 hours a
day can make a difference in the
life of a person who is elderly or
disabled in your community.
Call ShareCare at 610-867-2177
or visit our website at

SUMMER 2019 | Lehigh County Health & Medicine 9

http://www.LCMEDSOC.ORG http://www.sharecarefaithinaction.org

Lehigh Med Summer 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Lehigh Med Summer 2019

Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 1
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 2
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 3
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 4
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 5
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 6
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 7
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 8
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 9
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 10
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 11
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 12
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 13
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 14
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 15
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 16
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 17
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 18
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 19
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 20
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 21
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 22
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 23
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 24
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 25
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 26
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Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 31
Lehigh Med Summer 2019 - 32