MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 13

mon t m e d s o c .c om

Ardmore Physician Named First Recipient of
Award That Honors Legacy of a Bryn Mawr
Hospital Pioneer in Family Medicine


Bryn Mawr
Care Physician A.
Wayne Troncelliti,
MD, was named
the first recipient
of the William
"Bill" Lander,
MD, Excellence
in Primary Care
Award. Dr. Troncelliti embodies the
legacy of a Bryn Mawr Hospital mainstay
and revered family medicine physician,
William W. Lander, MD, who passed
away in January.
The Montgomery County Medical
Society will honor the memory of Dr.
Lander and the living legacy of Dr.
Troncelliti at its Annual Membership
Dinner, Tuesday, June 6, at the William
Penn Inn.
"Although I am absolutely positive
that there are other physicians in the
local community that are certainly more
deserving than I to receive this award, I
am, nevertheless, deeply honored to have
been selected by the committee as the first
recipient in recognition of Dr. Lander's
wonderful legacy," said the 78-yearold who has practiced in the Ardmore
community for more than 40 years.
In 1973, Dr. Troncelliti came to know
Dr. Lander when he was a resident in
internal medicine at Bryn Mawr Hospital.
He shared that he immediately recognized
him as a role model because he had many
of the characteristics of another important
role model in his life - his father. Dr.
Troncelliti and his father, Alfred, practiced
together in the Ardmore community
for many years. He recalls vividly, one
night, seeing Dr. Lander making "night
rounds" in the "wee hours" at Bryn Mawr
Hospital. They spoke about one of his
patient's condition. He recalled that Dr.
Lander seemed not to have any effect of
fatigue whatsoever. He was just "doing
his job." He later learned that this kind of

dedication was not unusual for him or his
"My admiration and respect for
my father's dedication to his patients
motivated me to be a physician," he said
proudly. "I recognized early on that my
father felt a sincere responsibility to them
to provide the best possible care that he
could render."
To this day and more than 40 years
later, Dr. Troncelliti does not waver
from that philosophy and continues to
"practice his father's medicine."
"It was obvious that he was admired
greatly within the community which he
served. I wanted to achieve that same

feeling of self-worth," Dr. Troncelliti said.
In addition to learning some valuable
lessons about patient care from his
father, Dr. Troncelliti also reflects on the
important lessons taught during his days
of playing sports at Ardmore Junior High
School and Lower Merion High School.
He said he would describe himself more
as a good "team player" instead of a true
"Team sports also taught me the
essential need to have tolerance of,
compassion for, and cooperation with,
those with whom you share a common
goal. Perseverance and flexibility, in the
face of adversity, are key elements in
overcoming challenging situations."
Upon completion of his residency
in 1975, he was granted staff privileges
at The Bryn Mawr Hospital, where he
M C M S P H Y S I C I A N 13 S U M M E R 2 0 1 7

remains an attending physician in the
service of internal medicine. He continues
to admit his own patients to the hospital
and manage their care as their primary
care physician.
He said although the medical
landscape has changed significantly, this
philosophy of providing the best care to
his patients has not and will not change.
He has married the "old fashioned" ideas
related to patient care with the acceptance
of the new responsibilities, infrastructures
and medical advancements of the present.
Even with all the demands outside the
exam room placed on physicians today, he
said he sees no value in sacrificing quality
over volume.
"When my father graduated from
medical school in 1929, there were no
antibiotics - imagine that! At the time
of my graduation in 1971 there were no
CAT SCANS or MRIs - imagine that!
The great advances in both diagnostic
technologies and therapeutic modalities
have been wonderful for patient care - no
He prides himself in building
relationships with his patients and
providing adequate time in discussing
their symptoms.
"I am a believer that patient access
to good care and serious prevention
modalities are extremely important to the
well-being of the public, and should be
In addition to honoring Dr.
Troncelliti, MCMS will recognize eight
physicians who have practiced medicine
for 50 years and honor a physician
couple who practiced medicine in the
Horsham community for almost 60 years.
Attendees will also enjoy guest speaker
Steven K. Allen, DO, Director, The
Center for Advanced Vein Therapy. Dr.
Allen will share his personal journey from
addiction to recovery. Register to attend

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MCMS Physician Summer 2017

MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 1
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 2
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 3
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 4
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 5
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 6
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 7
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 8
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 9
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 10
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 11
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 12
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 13
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 14
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 15
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 16
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 17
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 18
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 19
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 20
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 21
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 22
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 23
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 24
MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 25
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MCMS Physician Summer 2017 - 32