SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 8


By Michael J. Lyon, Esq., YLS Chair


s my year as Young Lawyers' Section Chair draws to a
close, I find myself reflecting on everything I learned
not only this year, but in my career, that led me to
this amazing opportunity. For my last act as Chair (and for the
last time that anyone calls me a "young lawyer"), I'm sharing
my thoughts with the Section that it has been an honor to lead.
Here are my ten tips for YLS members to advance their own
1 BE PROACTIVE. Our profession does not tolerate
complacency. If you wait for an opportunity, a client, or any
chance to come to you, someone else will take it. Learn now to
take control of your own career. Go to that happy hour even
though none of your friends are going. Call that connection
you've been meaning to call. Research that legal issue you find
interesting. Take advantage now. Soon, you won't be able to.
helps). 20-minute coffee chats are incredibly valuable. If there
is someone you think you can learn from, ask to buy them a
coffee and pick their brain. That $5 investment might be the
best one you ever make.
3 NETWORK (BUT WITH A PLAN). Yes, you must
network. But don't do it for the sake of doing it. Have a plan.
Who do you really want to meet? Why do you want to meet
them? You'll feel way more fulfilled, and have gained much
more, by making 1-2 meaningful connections after 15 minutes
than meeting 30 people in two hours and not remembering
them. And make sure to follow up-that connection will go
stale if you don't.
4 TAKE OWNERSHIP. Don't get in the habit of putting
out fires. Take every chance you can to assume control of
every case and opportunity. Ask questions, give your informed
opinions, and volunteer to take on more. When things are
done, ask for feedback. When things go wrong, don't blame
others. Accept responsibility and work to improve in the future.
This is your career, and your practice. Don't let anyone else
define it.
obviously need to keep your supervisors and clients updated.
But you need to keep your loved ones updated too. Talk to
them about the job, and what you're up against. There are going


to be late nights, and times when you won't make that barbeque
on Saturday. Other times, your mind will be completely
somewhere else. Be honest about that. It's better, and healthier,
for everyone.
6 DON'T GIVE UP WHAT YOU LOVE. Like going to
yoga on Tuesday nights? Good. Make time for it. Have a golf
foursome on Sunday? Good. Keep it. Meet with college friends
on Friday for happy hour? Good. Calendar it. Out-of-work
activities don't have to go away. There may be times you have to
miss them, but try your very best to schedule around the things
you love. Your mind, body, and spirit will be better for it.
7 ASK QUESTIONS. You don't know everything. That's
okay. It doesn't show weakness to ask a question-it shows
strength. Take the time to learn who in your organization can
help you, and don't be afraid to reach out. They had to ask
questions once too (and they still do).
8 WRITE, PRESENT, AND TALK. There are always
opportunities to show others what you're doing. Take them.
Write that extra article about the interesting case you worked on.
Volunteer for a CLE on developments in the law that you know
about. You probably won't be able to bill for it. But you won't
get the attention of the partner who has the work you want, or
the client you wants to hire you, unless you show them what you
9 BE KIND. To everyone-not just to those you answer
to. Treat your staff, and the courthouse staff, the same way
you'd treat the judge. Treat the younger associate the same way
you'd treat the senior partner. Treat the young attorney in the
bar association the same way you'd treat the bar association's
president. Your reputation is on the line in every interaction you
have, no matter how apparently meaningless. Don't be rude,
don't be mean, and don't be spiteful. Your career isn't worth it.
10 BE CONFIDENT. Attorneys get beat down a lot.
We get told no a lot. The practice is emotional, difficult, and
heartbreaking. Through it all, remember: you can do this. Your
firm or organization believed in you enough to give you that
assignment. Your client believed in you enough to hire you.
And you got yourself whatever opportunity is in front of you by
working hard and smart. Don't forget that.

SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020

SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 1
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 2
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 3
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 4
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 5
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 6
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 7
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 8
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 9
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 10
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 11
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 12
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 13
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 14
SIDEBAR Winter 2019-2020 - 15
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