L ACKMEDSOC.ORG * LUZERNEMEDSOC.ORG LCMS Members LCMS MEMBER NEWS & EVENTS SAVE THE DATE UPCOMING LUZERNE AND LACKAWANNA COUNTY EVENTS JUNE 1ST SEPTEMBER 24TH JULY 2ND THROUGH AUGUST 30TH OCTOBER 4TH 3rd Annual Scranton First Friday Health Fair on Courthouse Square in Scranton 4th Annual Golf Tournament and Clambake at Glenmaura National Golf Club Mondays at the Market Health Fair on Public Square in Wilkes-Barre Medical/Legal Conference on Medical Marijuana at the Mohegan Sun Pocono AUGUST TBD Family Day with the RailRiders Stay connected with PAMED: Get valuable updates with PAMED's weekly email (The Dose), Pennsylvania Physician Magazine, Physician Advocate monthly newsletter, and mobile app. Questions? Email info@luzernemedsoc.org or call the PAMED membership team at 855-PAMED4U. Giving Back to our Community LCMS Public Health Education Series Airs on ECTV Every Sunday at 7 PM The Lackawanna County Medical Society encourages all individuals to be well informed about their health and to be comfortable with their doctors so that they can ask questions to receive the best possible health care. Join us as we discuss health issues affecting our community with an array of professionals offering traditional and alternative treatments for what ails us. JUNE Ticks and Lyme Disease JULY Food Allergies AUGUST National Breastfeeding Month SEPTEMBER COPD and other Lung Disease OCTOBER Medical Marijuana N E PA 38 VITAL SIGNS NOVEMBER Safe Toys and Gifts If you have suggestions or are interested in being a part of this broadcast series please contact Tonyehn Verkitus at info@luzernemedsoc.org.http://www.lackmedsoc.org http://www.LUZERNEMEDSOC.ORG