PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 9

�r�c�c� Own�rs�i�...
 Be able to financially provide for your family
 Have the ability to control your schedule
 Finances flowing to pay off student debt more quickly
 Control of your medicine & how your prac�ce is operated
 �nlimite� income �oten�al versus a limite� salar�
 Create and live the lifestyle you desire

David McCormick, MS, CVA * Larry McCormick, DVM, MBA, CBA

888.881.7084 * midatlantic@simmonsinc.com* www.simmonsinc.com

�r�c�c� Own�rs�i� isn't for everyone,
but if it is for YOU...
�or futur� own�rs� ��r� �r� � f�w of our �is�n�s in t�� �i���t��n�c ���ion...
PA: C����������� � ���� �� � ���� ��� ������� ��� ������� ����� ������ ��������
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�o learn more about an� of these ownershi� o��ortuni�es�
�ou can com�lete the con��en�alit� agreement on the
Simmons website:

�he �on��en�alit� �greement lin� is on the bo�om of the home �age.
You can also register for the �immons �r�c�c� ��tc�-when we have a
new lis�ng� a no�ce is sent to the �rac�ce �atch list �rst.

Calendar of Events
Check out these upcoming PVMA events!
June 10 	

Power of 10 Meeting

August 13	

Board of Trustees Retreat
Hall of Fame Awards Premiere

August 14	

Committee Day
Annual Membership Meeting

PVMA Election


October 4	
Friends of Veterinary Medicine
November 19	
Welcome Back Party hosted by 		
Keystone Veterinary Conference
November 20-21 Keystone Veterinary Conference
Scan the QR code or visit
PaVMA.org for the most
up-to-date list of events.

The 2021 PVMA Officer
Election is coming soon!
Be sure to check your email
for details on how to vote!

Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association | 9

http://www.simmonsinc.com http://www.simmonsinc.com http://www.PaVMA.org

PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021

PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 1
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 2
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 3
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 4
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 5
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 6
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 7
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 8
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 9
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 10
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 11
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 12
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 13
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 14
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 15
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 16
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 17
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 18
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 19
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 20
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 21
PVMA Keystone Veterinarian Spring 2021 - 22
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