York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 15
YO R K C O M E D S O C . O R G
The first night I met a kind gentleman,
also from PA. As I was sitting and he was
standing, I could not read the MD next
to his name Bill DeMayo. Little did I
know he was a rehabilitative physician,
one of the featured professional speakers
for the weekend and an incredibly
nice man. There at dinner was Daniel
Wilson, PhD (Professor Emeritus
Muhlenberg College), who I had met
years before, and whose advice was
significant in my complex diagnosis.
The next day, when I heard Dr.
William DeMayo speak I was fascinated.
His integrative treatment program for
polio survivors had the same philosophy
as the one I had successfully completed
at the Post Polio Institute in Englewood,
NJ. I met, listened to, laughed with and
learned so much from so many amazing
people that weekend; my head was
spinning. While on the flight home, I
focused on how truly blessed I had been
and I knew my life had changed forever.
I finally found a place for my newly
found energy.
At that time, there were four active
support groups in our state. Information
for them to share was cumbersome to
accumulate and had to be gathered
from numerous places. Everyone was
struggling with interesting and credible
programing to bring survivors to
Survivor Carol Ferguson speaking
about the importance of vaccines at a
press conference held by PA Secretary
of Health, Dr. Rachael Levine.
Gathering a supportive and working
team became a necessity. My husband
and two close friends were my sounding
board for some great (and not so great)
ideas. One, who is filled with wisdom, was
interested in the topic because of her love
for me and for her brother who is also a
survivor. The third in our initial journey
was a man I met in the local support group.
Paralyzed from the neck down at age 2, his
journey with polio was one that I could not
imagine. His sense of humor and ability to
be very "grounding" all at the same time
were the perfect combination. Over the
next few months, I learned how to launch
a website, use Facebook and call complete
strangers for advice.
November 2014 we were ready to go.
We were devoted to our mission statement:
"To Be in Service Providing Information
to all Polio Survivors, Post Polio Support
Groups, Survivor's Families and their
Caregivers." Our website put information
continued on next page >
SPRING 2020 | York County Medicine
York County Medicine Spring 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of York County Medicine Spring 2020
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 1
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 2
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 3
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 4
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 5
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 6
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 7
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 8
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 9
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 10
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 11
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 12
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 13
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 14
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 15
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 16
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 17
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 18
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 19
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 20
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 21
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 22
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 23
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 24
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 25
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 26
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York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 31
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 32