York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 17
YO R K C O M E D S O C . O R G
* Our website is updated regularly. The biographies of our
regular contributors are clearly visible with a simple "click"
on their name (when highlighted in red).
* With the help and support of our amazing professional
contributors, we launched an updated Anesthesia Warning
/PPS Symptom Card. The information is easily accessed
through a scan code on the card.
* At the request of survivors, we have published a PPS
Symptom Checklist to share with our families and health
care professionals.
* We have hosted/sponsored two conferences and a
worldwide webcast. We have published the videos on our
website, thus allowing the information to be shared with all
polio survivors.
* We have introduced ourselves (by mail) to every
hospital, senior residence community, neurologist, home
health care agency and oral surgeon in the State of PA.
* We have become active in the PA Immunization
Coalition (PAIC). Two of us have attended as exhibitors and
speakers at the PA State Immunization Conference.
* We have actively engaged with Rotary International,
whose mission (in partnership with the GPEI) is to eradicate
polio. We personally visited their headquarters in Evanston,
Illinois and presented a gift of gratitude from Polio survivors
all over the world.
* Team Survivor (a means by which survivors and our
families who are not directly affiliated with their local Rotary
Clubs can become part of the solution) has now raised
enough funds to vaccinate more than 56,000 children in the
most war torn areas of the world.
* We happily do presentations about the "Polio Truths"
throughout our State. In 2018 and 2019, we did 50 + events.
We actively engage in the Senior Health Fairs (sponsored by
our Representatives) held throughout PA.
Polio Survivors Carol Ferguson, Jim Smith and Deb Stambaugh
with PA State Senator Judy Schwank talking about the importance
of vaccines.
* In 2018, we partnered with Dr. Richard Bruno,
HD, PhD, Director of the International Center for Polio
Education, to edit and publish the Encyclopedia of Polio
and PPS. This publication contains all of Dr. Bruno's newly
updated articles (including Research articles), Bruno Bytes
and videos.
* We are grateful for the regular contribution(s) of our
professional contributors (listed alphabetically): Dr. Richard
L. Bruno, HD, PhD, Dr. William DeMayo, MD, Post Polio
Health International, Rotary International and Professor
Daniel J. Wilson, PhD. The full list of our professional
contributors (including their biographies) is on our website.
Continued on next page >
SPRING 2020 | York County Medicine
York County Medicine Spring 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of York County Medicine Spring 2020
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 1
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 2
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 3
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 4
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 5
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 6
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 7
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 8
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 9
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 10
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 11
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 12
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 13
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 14
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 15
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 16
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 17
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 18
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 19
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 20
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 21
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 22
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 23
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 24
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 25
York County Medicine Spring 2020 - 26
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