YO R K C O M E D S O C . O R G Health Insurance Assistance - through the APPRISE program, Medicare beneficiaries can receive assistance from trained counselors on Medicare issues, medication coverage, other health insurance matters. Nutrition Programs - Congregate meals are available at all Senior Centers, and Home Delivered Meals are designed to provide a well-balanced daily meal to homebound older adults who are unable to prepare adequate meals for themselves and have no other means for assuring healthy nutrition. All too often we hear from families that they did not know our services existed at the time they needed support. Our goal is to touch as many lives as possible and connect individuals with the resources and information to make informed choices regarding services, health care and active living opportunities. Agency staff is available to answer questions and help individuals connect with services and resources. To learn more about York County Area Agency on Aging, visit us online at www.ycaaa.org or contact us at 717-771-9610 & 1-800-632-9073. WINTER 2019 | York County Medicine 31http://www.YORKCOMEDSOC.ORG http://www.ycaaa.org http://mayeyecare.com