Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 20

Several factors probably contribute to ASD, including
genes or environmental factors. Research indicates that ASD
may be associated with known syndromes, such as Fragile
X syndrome, Rett syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Down
syndrome or other genetic disorders like Tuberous sclerosis complex or mutation in PTEN gene. Genetic tests are
indicated especially if child has unusual physical features, if
there is family history of intellectual disability, developmental
delays or other genetic disorders. A child is at greater risk of
ASD if there is a family member with ASD. Research has
shown that it is not caused by vaccines.

School-based programs continue when child starts
IEP will be continued based on need. The child could be
placed in the mainstream class with support or in a separate
ASD classroom. The goal is to provide education in the least
restrictive environment.

Unfortunately, there is no specific medical test to diagnose
ASD. The diagnosis is made by using all the information
collected by history, observation and assessments. To make a
diagnosis, the child must meet the criteria based on DSM 5,
some of which include:
* Communication problems: including difficulty using
or understanding language. Some children with ASD
focus their attention and conversation on a few topic
areas, some frequently repeat phrases and some have
very limited speech.
* Difficulty relating to people, things and events:
including trouble making friends and interacting with
people, difficulty reading facial expressions and not
making eye contact.
* Repetitive body movements or behaviors: such as hand
flapping or repeating sounds or phrases.

Additionally, parents can try to identify and understand
triggers that may cause tantrums and meltdowns. They may
be able to learn how to minimize these triggers in order to
have positive responses from their child. Many children with
ASD also benefit from structured environments, so parents
can try to create consistent schedules and routines. Parents
can also use other modes of communication besides speech.
Assistive technology, which involves methods like simple
picture cards or boards or certain mobile phone applications,
can enable the child to communicate basic needs and may
decrease tantrums.

How parents can help their child:
Learn about ASD as much as possible to understand how
to communicate with the child and to find support services.

Parents can also work with their child's teachers or professionals in early intervention services to develop an IFSP or
IEP that is based on your child's needs and family's situation.

What can parents do?
When a child is diagnosed with ASD, parents should
understand that the diagnosis and condition is no one's fault
and it is not the end of the road. It's just the beginning. Once
parents receive a diagnosis, they can begin finding appropriate services and treatment options. The child should be
referred to a community-based program as soon as possible.
Mandated by Federal law, there are various programs available depending on the age of the child.
Family-based/Early Intervention services available
from birth-three years
Once the child is evaluated, the early intervention team will
develop an "Individual Family Service Plan" (IFSP). Based
on the need, the child will receive services at home with his
or her family. The services usually include parent training,
support and direct therapy for the child.
School-based Program for children three-five years
Once the child turns three years, he or she will be reassessed
to see if there is still need for services. The services will then
be transitioned to a local public school-based program also
known as an Intermediate Unit. Here the child will have an
"Individualized Educational program" (IEP). This may have
the same services as IFSP but the services are more focused
on the child, rather than the family. The IEP will be frequently revised to meet the changing needs of the child.


spring 2017


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017

Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 1
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 2
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 3
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 4
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 5
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 6
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 7
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 8
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 9
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 10
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 11
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 12
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 13
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 14
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 15
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 16
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 17
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 18
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 19
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 20
Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 21
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Delaware County Medicine & Health Spring 2017 - 23
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