Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 12

as Output-Based Pricing System. The system sets a standard for emissions per unit of output relative to a given industry's average emissions,
facilities that exceed the set limit pay for that excess. If you are below the industry standard you earn credits that can be sold to other 'emitters'. In
2019, the price was set at $20/tonne to be raised $10 a year to $50/tonne in 2022.
The investment in DERs can be made 'as-a-service', meaning facilities can essentially 'subscribe' to a renewable energy service that installs and
manages the equipment. Schneider Electric provides this through partnerships with Carlyle Group (AlphaStruxure) and Huck Capital
(GreenStruxure ).
" If its less than 5 megawatts we can talk to GreenStruxure and if its more than 5 megawatts we can talk to AlphaStruxure, " he noted. " That is
roughly the numbers but depending on the situation we can see who the right fit will be. "
When it comes to system integration, Schneider Electric leans on a number of partners, " depending on the situation, what type of services are
required from us, we can bring a number of partners into the picture for engineering procurement construction (EPC). "
Healthcare, universities, food and beverage, Commercial & Industrial Customers and automotive are the main industries Schneider Electric is
working with right now, when it comes their small/medium building microgrid solution. Primarily because there is increased focus on resiliency for
these industries; hospitals have a lot of critical infrastructure to maintain when it comes to patient care, while food and beverage and automotive
industries have strict safety regulations to maintain when it comes to production. Universities also house a lot of critical infrastructure. So, there is
motivation beyond reducing emissions for those sectors.
Another interesting area Revuru highlighted was that across Canada public bus transportation services are beginning to move toward electric
vehicles (EVs), so they'll look to microgrid solutions to manage the increased energy demand.
Being a public service, busses need to be charged on a strict schedule, " you need electrical infrastructure so that its being charged at the right
time, because there needs to be a systematic way of charging and getting back to the road. "
" The other one is EV load, " said Revuru, as electrical vehicles come more and more into the picture, the energy required to charge EVs needs to
be accounted for without impacting a building's critical loads.
Revuru provided the City of Markham as an example, they installed 16 EV chargers at the Markham Civic Centre, " When you think of installing 16
EV chargers in the parking lot, you need to think about how to manage the building load and the EV load. You suddenly have a huge amount of EV
load coming into the building - you need to think about HVAC not having a disturbance because people are working in the building, so you need
to maintain the thermal energy of the building and at the same time manage the EV whenever the public is charging. "
As we move further into this digital transformation and electrification of buildings, communities, and vehicles, we are going to need the
infrastructure that is reliable as much as it is sustainable.
If you don't have resiliency and sustainability with that energy, Revuru said, " You aren't going to go anywhere with the digital transformation. "





Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue

Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 1
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 2
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 3
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 4
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 5
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 6
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 7
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 8
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 9
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 10
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 11
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 12
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 13
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 14
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 15
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 16
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 17
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 18
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 19
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 20
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 21
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 22
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 23
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 24
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 25
Electrical Industry Canada Power Quality Issue - 26