Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 17
What are a few current common defects in both commercial
and residential installations?
*12-610 Armored cable, anti-shorts required
*02-034 One conductor per single lug - " I think this one is oſten
misunderstood because there are lugs approved for multiple wires,
so some panels you'll go into are shouldered and you can put wires
on both sides of the screw. But other panels only accept a single
conductor. "
*12-3014 Accessibility of junction boxes
*26-656 AFCI required for branch circuits
*10-606 Reducing washer bonding - " This was a change in the
previous code and probably why its high on the defect lists. When
you're using the reducing washers (or as well call them, doughnuts)
before we used to accept them as bonding, but the code changed
and clarifies it as: If I'm going from a 1 " knockout down to a ½ "
knockout, I know have to put a bonding bushing on there to bond
the pipe, if I'm using that as my bonding method. "
Could we get more clarity on running boards and the
distance a wire needs to be from it?
Rule 12-514 provides direction on the installation of running boards
- this rule is updated in the 2021 code.
" If I'm in an open area I do need mechanical protection, " said
Brown, " But I believe this question was specific to, 'how far away
can I put this wire from this running board? " Brown is referring to
the below diagram and the running board in the image to the right.
" Right now, I believe inspectors are using judgement to see if its
protected. The good news is, there's an update on this rule in the
2021 code and we'll be starting training on that. So, stay tuned on
that and I think it'll get more clear and make more sense. "
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 1
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 2
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 3
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 4
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 5
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 6
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 7
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 8
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 9
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 10
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 11
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 12
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 13
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 14
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 15
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 16
Electrical Industry Canada: Arc Flash, Shock Hazard, & Fire Safety - 17
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