BC PLACE STADIUM 323 317 316 LEGEND 1. Seminar Presentations 2. Food court - Food and Drinks 3. Boating BC 4. Wooden Boat Alley 5. BC Marine Authors 6. Gate A 7. Boat Show Office 8. Marine Careers Search For PRODUCTS & SERVICES 293 292 YAMAHA 287 286 7 270 271 265 263 260 256 PARKER MARINE GROUP 253 251 247 243 240 241 232 224 222 219 217 212 215 213 190 207 1 2 203 195 193 181 175 171 165 180 170 166 160 156 220 252 244 615 FISH WHISTLE 616 NORTH SHORE MARINE BRIDGEVIEW MARINE S2S MOTOR SPORTS SHOW OFFICE 600 602 ROAD RUNNER TRAILERS FREEDOM MARINE 614 612 SUZUKI 601 603 604 605 SHERWOOD MARINE 8 315 314 305 302 300 700 296 702 391 373 375 365 361 392 351 362 334 342 333 356 376 380 382 384 409 SAILING FE 716 710 QUADRANT MARINE 711 BC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 717 HEWING HAUS 713 WBC ANTIQUE BOAT SOCIETY CULTUS LAKE MARINA B M TERRY FOX PLAZA: Pick up / drop off for FREE SHUTTLE BUSSES running between BC Place & the floating show at Granville Island. Or to FREE WATER FERRIES to the floating show at Granville Island. (Pick-up/drop-off at Plaza of Nations) 6 GATE A: SHOW ENTRANCE 18 Vancouver International Boat Show 2024 www.VancouverBoatShow.ca Fire Exit MPS CULLENhttp://www.VancouverBoatShow.ca