Snow White An absolutely delightful summertime drink with tropical flavors. From ▶ 1 EGG WHITE ▶ 2 OZ LIGHT RUM ▶ 1/3 OZ LIME JUICE ▶ 1/3 OZ PINEAPPLE JUICE ▶ 1/3 OZ SIMPLE SYRUP Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Bay Breeze ▶ 1½ OZ VODKA ▶ 3 OZ CRANBERRY JUICE ▶ 1½ OZ PINEAPPLE JUICE ▶ LIME WHEEL FOR GARNISH Fill a highball glass with ice. Add vodka, cranberry juice and pineapple juice and stir. Garnish. Baileys S'mores ▶ BAILEYS S'MORES (17% ABV) ▶ TOASTED MARSHMALLOW ▶ MELTED CHOCOLATE (DARK OR MILK CHOCOLATE, YOUR CALL) ▶ GRAHAM CRACKER CRUMBS Toast a marshmallow and indent or pull out the soft center. Dip the marshmallow in the melted chocolate, place it indented side up in a shot glass or juice glass, then top it with Baileys S'mores. Sprinkle graham cracker on top. Dig in! UNR VALLED MASTERY NO3 GIN_MED PAGE H_7.25X4.75.indd 1 02/02/24 10:48 a.m. SPIRITED VIRGINIA | JULY | AUGUST | SEPTEMBER 2024 35 Bailey's S'mores Shot Baileys S'mores makes toasted marshmallows even better, a feat no one thought possible! From Serves two.