The team of Jonathan Vernon, Josiah Persinger, DaRon Wilson and Peyton Lewis took the top spot at the Nike Indoor Nationals Track and Field competition. Olympics National Banner Unified Champion School * SHS Recognized as a W!se Financial Literacy Certification Blue Star School * SHS DECA Program Recognition - Gold Certification School-Based Enterprise SHS STAFF RECOGNITIONS * Jobs for Virginia Graduate Program (Tracey Fobare) received the 5 for 5 Award. * Gary Lupton as a recipient of the Computer Science Leaders Prize ($10,000) ALMS STUDENT RECOGNITIONS * 19 students made all district choir * Band & Choir students earned 1st place at Music in the Parks * House giving competitions benefited the ALMS food pantry, animal shelter and the salvation army * Abby Jones - 1st place VA School Board Association of the Blue Ridge Regional Art Contest * Kathryn Wise - Reflections Award of Excellence 2nd Place for photography * Reese Redford won the " Artie Levin Personal Life Award " at the B'nai B'rith Athletic & Achievement Awards banquet. * Girls Lacrosse made it to the State Quarterfinals. * Graham Fischer set the school record for goals in a season (20 goals) * Debate Team won Region & Super Regions for the first time in school history. * Forensics won their 17 straight State Championship. * Pride of Salem Marching Band & Symphonic Band received ALL SUPERIOR ratings at the State Band Assessment. They were named the VA Honor Band designation. * Numerous athletes made All River Ridge District, All Region and All State. * Spartan Robotics qualified for Worlds. * Anne Hayden Hall earned a 1st Place Gold Circle Award from Columbia Scholastic Press Association (Delphi) * 16 Student Athletes signed to play collegiate athletics. * Skills USA State Winner (Caiden Wright). * Several members of DECA advanced to National Competition in Orlando. ROANOKE VALLEY GOVERNOR'S SCHOOL FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - SY 2022-23 PROJECT FORUM AWARDS * Barbara (Ayla) Lampros and Reese Redford - 1st Place in Animal Sciences * Parneet Gill and Aleigha Weeks - 1st Place in Animal Sciences * Emma Baldwin - 1st Place in Microbiology SHS SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENTS * Participation in Regional Registered Apprenticeship Program * SHS Recognition as a 2022 Special 2024 VBR LIFE 85 * 8th Grade football undefeated * Wrestling undefeated * Boys track undefeated/Cosmo champs * Boys soccer 15-1 * Boys basketball 12-3 * Girls basketball 14-1 ALMS STAFF RECOGNITIONS * Melissa Cook ALMS teacher of the year * Barbara Evans ALMS support staff of the year * Mallory Graham Honored by VMSA with a grant * Perry Manning retired from coaching boys soccer after 38 years ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RECOGNITIONS * GW Carver Elementary Virginia Department of Education Continuous Improvement Exemplar Award COURTESY OF SALEM PUBLIC SCHOOLS