9 L'ANGLAIS APPLIQUÉ À L'IMMOBILIER U2 1 - Getting information ......................................................... 238 > 260 2 - Describing property .......................................................... 241 > 261 3 - Communication 1 - Advising Clients ............................... 244 > 263 4 - Buying/selling property - First Steps .............................. 246 > 263 5 - Buying/selling property - Next Steps .............................. 248 > 264 6 - Negotiating - Building an Argument ............................... 249 > 265 7 - Negotiating - Dealing with Objections ............................ 250 > 265 8 - Negotiating - Dealing with Conflict ................................. 251 > 266 9 - Renting property - Types of Lease .................................. 252 > 266 10 - Advantages and disadvantages of renting ...................... 254 > 267 11 - What is the estate agent's role concerning property rental ? ............................................................... 255 > 267 12 - Practice for the written exam .......................................... 255 > 268 [Les corrigés des exercices se trouvent pages 260 et suivantes] 237