L'ANGLAIS APPLIQUÉ À L'IMMOBILIER 13 Exercices: Buying/ selling Property - Next Steps Trouvez les mots dans le texte dans la section, " Making an offer " : Le prix de vente : Continuer : Prêt immobilier : Emménager : Vendeur : Appliquer : Acheteur : Visiter : À ce stade : Prospect : Faire une offre : Compromis de vente : Reliez les mots avec leurs définitions. Ils viennent tous de la partie " Preliminary Sales Contract " . Legally binding agreement A To draw up (a contract) B Authenticate deeds C Plot D Furniture E Fittings F Date of completion G Fee H I Deposit Ownership J Title deeds K Forfeit L Fulfill the contract M Agreed price N 1 A legal document of proof that a property belongs to you. 2 The price that the buyer and seller both agree on. It is not necessarily the asking price. 3 Is money you give in advance of a payment. 4 An agreement that must be honored or else legal action can be taken. 5 Lost or confiscated as a penalty. 6 To write up or to establish a contract. 7 Certify deeds 8 The act of possessing something (property, land) 9 Equipment in a house such as an oven, dishwasher... 10 The land on which a property stands. 11 Equipment for comfort such as a sofa, table and chairs... 12 The price for a service. 13 Date when the contract will be finalized. 14 To execute the contract/ meet the requirements Part 6: NEGOTIATING - Building an Argument A big part of an estate agent's job is to enhance property value and assets in a convincing way and then support his arguments, by giving proof. A common way to do this it, is to use the French method CAP, (caractéristique - avantage - preuve), in other words, Feature - Advantage - Proof in English. 249