CORRIGÉS DES EXERCICES Voici les réponses des exercices de l'unité 8. Dans certains cas, ce ne sont que des suggestions puisque les réponses sont soit subjectives soit l'énoncé ne nous donne pas assez de détails comme dans une vraie situation de communication professionnelle. Part 1: GETTING INFORMATION 1 Trouvez les questions pour les réponses suivantes : A) What type of property are you looking for? B) When are you available to visit the apartment? C) Who do you work for? or Which company do you work for? D) Why are you moving to France? E) Where is the company located? F) Which sports activities do your children do? G) How often do they play basketball? H) How long have you lived in your current house? I) How many bedrooms would you like? or What size house would you like? J) When was this house built? 2 Voici quelques questions types que vous pourriez utiliser lors d'un plan de découverte client. Traduisez-les en anglais. A) Could I have your contact details, please? B) How high is the fence around the garden? C) How can I be sure that this property isn't insalubrious? D) How many surveys have you carried out so far? E) Have you already been to your bank to ask for a mortgage? F) Is the school far from the house? Or How far is the school from the house? G) How many people have to attend the general assembly? H) Which characteristics would be unacceptable for you? I) What do you think of this house? J) How deep is the swimming pool? 3 Selon la méthode SONCASE, qu'est-ce qui motive ces prospects ? David Cunningham Davis is mostly motivated by novelty (he wants a modern house with remote control shutters and garage door), but also by Comfort (he wants to have easy access to public transport for his son as well as modern comfort). John and Janet Mills This couple is mostly motivated by comfort (they would like a smaller place with no maintenance work and a garage). We can possibly say money as well because their current house is too big and maybe expensive for them. 260 EXERCICES CORRIGÉS DU BTS PI - 2024 /2025