Gala THANK YOU TO OUR LEADING SPONSORS! TANZANITE SPONSORS 2017 NATIONAL HOSPICE Caris Healthcare Center for Hospice Care Empath Health/Suncoast Hospice Infinity Hospice Care mumms Software The Stateserv Companies Visiting Nurse Association Health Group For a full sponsor listing, please go to our website, TO ALL OF THE GUESTS AND SUPPORTERS O F T H E G A L A O N M AY 2 , 2 0 1 7 . MENT A N D LEA ERS H IP E A GE CONFER CE MA N W E T H A N K Y O U F O R B E I N G PA R T O F O U R C E L E B R AT I O N A N D S U P P O R T I N G T H E N AT I O N A L H O S P I C E F O U N D AT I O N . D N thank you AMETHYST SPONSORS American Hospital Association For more information on how you can be involved in next year's event, please contact Joy Nguyen at (703) 647-5167 or M A K E A S P E C I A L M O M E N T P O S S I B L E F O R YO U R PAT I E N T The Lighthouse of Hope Fund is available to patients v Who request special wishes and experiences (ex. flying people in to visit, PROVIDING MEANINGFUL AND MEMORABLE MOMENTS FOR THOSE LIVING WITH A LIFE-LIMITING ILLNESS. special events like fishing trips or special dinners, opportunities to spend time with family and friends in a memorable way, etc.) v Who are cared for by one of NHPCO's provider members v Who have a life expectancy of one year or less v Who have no other means to fund the specific request Selection Criteria The hospice provider must submit a completed Lighthouse of Hope Fund Application