NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 14

Next, reach out to those potential partners to get the
conversation started. Develop specific strategies of
how such outreach will take place. Utilize any personal
and professional connections that may exist, even if
that connection is an entry point for another
conversation. For instance, you may have a relationship
with a front-line provider. You can reach out to that
individual and explain the value that you are proposing.
They can then advocate on your behalf to get a
conversation started with those in their organization
who may have more decision-making capacity. If no
personal connection exists, you can research possible
contact points through websites and public reporting.
When making the outreach, focus on their opportunity
as a reason to meet. Tell them briefly what value you
are offering and what need of theirs you will be
meeting. If necessary, build a coalition between
providers and come to the potential partners as a
group, greatly increasing your impact and value.
Once you are able to meet, focus the conversation on
them. Just as we start where the patient is when
providing hospice care, listening to your potential
partner's priorities, needs, and questions is crucial. As
much as possible, try to speak their language like a
native. This means knowing their jargon and
abbreviations and using it appropriately. Keep the
conversation concise and focused, making good use of
their time and attention. Focus on how you are going to
meet their needs and show them what is in it for them.
Demonstrate that you have done your research and are
knowledgeable about them specifically, both their
strengths and needs. Include their own data and how
you specifically have brought value to them already by
providing them a review of how many of their patients
you have already served, how much you have already
saved them, how their providers already use your
services, or any other pertinent data.
Differentiate yourself from other providers in ways that
are meaningful for them, such as common coverage
areas, clinical alignment within specific patient
populations whom you both serve, unique clinical
offerings that you provide, or close mission alignment.
Avoid the " hospice is good " conversation, not that that
is not true, but you can assume that all involved already
take that for granted and now need to focus on the
practical pieces. Try to anticipate any potential
roadblocks, misconceptions, or hesitations that they
may have and, when appropriate, brings those up
yourself. Those thoughts may be on their minds, but
they may not feel comfortable bringing them forward.
When you come into this conversation, have a focused
proposal prepared and ready to present, but be open
and willing to change as needed. You should be
prepared to discuss the following:
▌ Goal of the proposal: Show what you intend to
accomplish and a very brief outline of what the
partnership will look like.
▌ Potential gains for all involved: Provide the " what's in
it for me " for the main stakeholders, including them,
your mutual patients, yourself, and any other
pertinent parties.
▌ Potential risks and mitigation plans: The best way to
avoid risk is to face it head on. Show that you have
identified potential downsides and unknowns and
have taken steps to minimize those risks.
▌ Sustainability plans: Demonstrate that this proposal
has staying power over time. This includes financial
sustainability, but also that the partnership will
remain relevant and applicable as the healthcare
environment changes.
▌ Costs to be incurred by all with outlines of a budget:
Show them that you have run the numbers and they
work. Be realistic on potential revenue and expected
▌ Clinical resources that would be required: Outside of
financial outlay, provide what additional resources
would be needed, including the need to hire or
reposition staff, added responsibilities to existing
staff, back-office needs, and any other impact that
the partnership would create.
▌ Timeline: Give a realistic timeline for the project,
including any application deadlines, timelines outside
of your control, and deadlines that they would have
to meet.
▌ Next steps: Provide a concise list of the immediate
next steps that would keep the project going,
including who would be responsible for each.
Newsline / Fall 2021

NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021

IDC 2021 (display ad)
Table of Contents
Signature Programs (display ad)
Edo's Message
Finding Your Value (feature article)
Payment Model Primer
LAC 2022 (display ad)
FY 2022 Hospice Wage Index
Updates to Hospice Quality Reporting Program
Care Vention (display ad)
NHPCO Launches Re-envisioned CaringInfo
Making POLST Portable
Career Center (display ad)
Advancing a Culture of Equity
NHPCO Quality Connections (display ad)
Hospices Earning Recognition
STAR Upgrades Complete
2021 Interdisciplinary Conference
Submit LAC22 Session Proposal
New LGBTQ+ Resource Guide
Ooma (display ad)
Updates We Honor Veterans
Caleb Tiller Joins NHPCO
back cover
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Intro
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 1
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - IDC 2021 (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Table of Contents
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Signature Programs (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Edo's Message
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Finding Your Value (feature article)
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 7
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 8
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 9
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 10
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 11
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 12
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 13
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 14
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 15
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Payment Model Primer
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 17
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 18
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - LAC 2022 (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - FY 2022 Hospice Wage Index
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 21
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 22
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 23
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 24
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Updates to Hospice Quality Reporting Program
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 26
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 27
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 28
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Care Vention (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - NHPCO Launches Re-envisioned CaringInfo
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 31
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Making POLST Portable
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 33
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 34
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 35
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 36
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Career Center (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Advancing a Culture of Equity
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 39
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 40
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - NHPCO Quality Connections (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Hospices Earning Recognition
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 43
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - STAR Upgrades Complete
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - 2021 Interdisciplinary Conference
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Submit LAC22 Session Proposal
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Ooma (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Updates We Honor Veterans
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - Caleb Tiller Joins NHPCO
NHPCO NewsLine Fall 2021 - back cover