NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 16

In terms of barriers, (as an example) in Baltimore city we
have a number of communities that are food deserts in
which there are no grocery stores, where people have no
access to fresh produce, fresh food. They have to literally
go outside of their communities in order to get the basic
necessities. If you are coming to my home and you're
saying I'm here to meet medical needs, etc., but let's talk
about what my real needs are... I need access to food, how
are you going to help me, how is my health going to
benefit if I can't even have fresh produce. Are we really
helping to look at those needs? Unfortunately, persons
who tend to be in underserved communities don't always
have the finances, the resources, or even the
transportation to go outside of their community.
Trust is really the crux of things you know, in terms of
leading into how we serve and how we care for people. It's
that trust that is the crux, and trust inspires hope. And
when we are able to go in and build relationships - and
sometimes it's within the first five minutes and it feels like
we've known them all our lives, right, sometimes it takes
longer than that to build that trust - but by building that
trust, it opens the door for hope. But it also provides an
Rev. Brandon
avenue for us to advocate on their behalf, particularly those
people who are in the shadows, those people who don't
have a voice. Those people who feel like they're not
empowered, or no one cares, no one's listening, we get to
take that and we get to open the door for their voice to be
heard and advocate on behalf of them.
One of the things that I would add, is making sure that we
are not afraid of innovation and creativity. We have to
think outside of the box, and I know that's very overused.
When we're thinking about human lives, when we're
thinking about people, we're not thinking about
diagnoses, we're not thinking about numbers, we're
thinking about human beings - each person representing
a significant life.
Advocacy is not a one-time thing. It takes a lot, you have to
be present and really strengthen and build that trust, you
have to build the trust with the leadership with the
administration and let them know that you are reliable,
that you are there and that you are a source of advocacy on
behalf of other. If it's for positions if it's for a certain type of
care or whatever the case may be, advocacy is so key but it
starts by you being an example and using your voice.
Newsline / Spring 2022

NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022

Health Pivots Hospice State Profiles (display ad)
Table of Contents
NHPCO Strategic Plan
Edo's Message
The Experience Model (feature article)
NHPCO Signature Programs (display ad)
Faith, Trust, Hope (article)
Personal Reflection on 30 Years
Volunteer Week (display ad)
Quality Connections
Quality Connections Achievement 2021
Expand Your Skills
NHF Gala Thank You (display ad)
Congressional Champions
2022 LAC Thank You (display ad)
Welcome Aparna Gupta
Rafael Sciullo Receives Award
Volunteer Awards 2022
New CaringInfo Content
Survey Readiness Toolkit
Top 12 Chats
Hospice Medical Director Certification
Webinar Series (1/2 page display ad)
Care Vention (1/4 page display ad)
back cover
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Intro
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 1
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Health Pivots Hospice State Profiles (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Table of Contents
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - NHPCO Strategic Plan
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Edo's Message
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - The Experience Model (feature article)
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 7
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 8
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 9
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 10
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 11
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 12
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - NHPCO Signature Programs (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Faith, Trust, Hope (article)
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 15
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 16
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 17
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Personal Reflection on 30 Years
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 19
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 20
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Volunteer Week (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Quality Connections
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 23
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 24
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 25
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Quality Connections Achievement 2021
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 27
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Expand Your Skills
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 29
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 30
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 31
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 32
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - NHF Gala Thank You (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Congressional Champions
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 35
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 36
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - 2022 LAC Thank You (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Rafael Sciullo Receives Award
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - New CaringInfo Content
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Survey Readiness Toolkit
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Top 12 Chats
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Hospice Medical Director Certification
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - Care Vention (1/4 page display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Spring 2022 - back cover