NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 12
long-term perspective. Yet not all
leaders choose to take this
approach. A variety of factors can
influence a leader's decision to
stick to the status quo and avoid
bringing in a new class of leaders.
One factor can be more personal
in nature. " Baby Boomers may
have some challenge in not
understanding the value of letting
go of control, " Korte said.
" Yesterday's approach to health
care is not tomorrow's approach
to health care. You win with new
ideas; you win with diverse ideas. "
Another factor that could lead to
hesitation in investing in the next
generation is a leader's
perspective of value. When
considering new candidates to
bring into an organization, or
candidates to move up in their
career path, many put a higher
weight on experience than
potential. This often stems from
a performance-based view of
success rather than a future-thinking view. While those with less
experience may learn some hard lessons, dealing with those
consequences is an opportunity for the individual and the organization
to grow.
Additionally, there may be concern from current leadership of investing
too much time, energy, or finances into the next generation because they
may leave the organization. However, those who currently invest in their
future leaders encourage others not to let that possibility hinder them.
" Our mother always told people, 'You know you're not going to be here
forever, but I hope that this is the job you learn the most at of any other
job you have. I hope this is a job where you're really learning.' So, I
always think of it as a badge of honor when someone comes to me and
says, 'Guess what I got this awesome job offer to do something I love,' "
Bertram said.
How to Make it Work
There are countless opportunities for organizations to begin, or
improve, investing in the next generation of leaders in hospice and
palliative care, anywhere from simple to grand in scale.
Bertram talks to his team about their goals, aspirations, and dream
jobs. He provides an opportunity for people to share what they want to
learn and where they want to go. Some people will want to continue to
learn, grow, and move up into leadership positions. Others may not.
Having those conversations can help current leaders direct where they
want to invest their time and energy into developing the skills of future
leaders. Yet this must be a two-way street.
" You have to be making known that you want people to invest in your
future. You have to say 'I want to do X, Y, and Z' and go to your bosses
and see who's willing to commit, " Bertram says of next generation
leaders. " It's sort of on the manager, the senior people, to invest in the
people below - but it is a little bit on the people below to be able to
express that. "
Yesterday's approach to health
care is not tomorrow's
approach to health care.
This can also mean involving people in your organization in different
tasks and not limiting future leaders to the lane of their role. There is
value in providing the infrastructure for that support within the
organization, such as robust training programs and leadership
development opportunities. Davis utilizes a mentor structure, which
allows for peer support beyond supervisors. These can be utilized both
for current employees and interns.
Newsline / Summer 2021
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021
LAC 2021 Thank You (display ad)
Table of Contents
Virtual Conference 2021 (display ad)
Edo's Message
Measures of Excellence (feature article)
Quality Connections (display ad 1/2 page)
Career Center (display ad 1/2 page)
Business Case for Next Generation
Succession Planning Guide
Re-introducing Volunteers
Signature Programs (display ad)
New Consumer Research
State Hospice Profiles (display ad)
Virtual FUNdraiser thank you (display ad)
Global Partners in Care
Care Vention (display ad)
Providers Earning QC Rings
Project ECHO
NHPCO Survey Medical Group Practice
Innovation Consortium
Palliative Care Certificate Program
Medicare Sequestration Relief
MyHospice Ambassadors
Virtual Conference 2021
FY 2022 Proposed Rule
COVID Grief Support Project
Circle of Life Award
Ooma (display ad)
Diamond Level Strategic Partners
We Honor Veterans Survey
back cover
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Intro
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 1
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - LAC 2021 Thank You (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Table of Contents
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Virtual Conference 2021 (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Edo's Message
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Measures of Excellence (feature article)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 7
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 8
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Career Center (display ad 1/2 page)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Business Case for Next Generation
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 11
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 12
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Succession Planning Guide
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Re-introducing Volunteers
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 15
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 16
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Signature Programs (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - New Consumer Research
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 19
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 20
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 21
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 22
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 23
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - State Hospice Profiles (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Virtual FUNdraiser thank you (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Global Partners in Care
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 27
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 28
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 29
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 30
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Care Vention (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Providers Earning QC Rings
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Project ECHO
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - NHPCO Survey Medical Group Practice
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Innovation Consortium
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Palliative Care Certificate Program
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Medicare Sequestration Relief
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - MyHospice Ambassadors
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - FY 2022 Proposed Rule
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - COVID Grief Support Project
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Ooma (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Diamond Level Strategic Partners
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - We Honor Veterans Survey
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - back cover