NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 15

For most hospices, volunteer programs
have been almost entirely shut down for
over a year now. While the CMS Waivers
are still in place, it is a good time to start
strategically planning to reintegrate
volunteers into your programs as this can
be a very involved procedure.
A good first step is to reach out to the volunteer
base and see who is interested in volunteering again.
Based on feedback on the My.NHPCO Volunteer
Management community list serve, many agencies
are seeing volunteer force reductions from 15-40%.
What you initially offer to patients and families may
need to be very deliberate and based on what is now
available in your volunteer pool. Our agency sent out
a survey to volunteers asking them what they
needed to feel comfortable returning, and which jobs
they would be willing to do. Some chose to not
return, some chose to do entirely different jobs from
pre-pandemic activity. This helped us plan for what
might be most successful to open up.
Second, consider what training/retraining they
might need. Most volunteers have essentially had a
year off. At a minimum, you might consider a
modified infection control review that addresses
any new PPE they might be using now that they did
not (regularly) before. Reviewing job descriptions is
recommended as well; our agency chose to develop
a pandemic job description addendum that
explained new expectations. These included things
like calling off if they had any symptoms,
understanding where to find risk factors for COVID
19, explaining the PPE requirements, and other
related items. This sets the stage for what will be
expected when they return to active volunteering.
Another consideration is to think about how things
may have changed in facilities. Even if a volunteer
visited a particular nursing home or assisted living
prior to the pandemic, procedures may have
changed. We instituted a policy that a staff
member on the team (nurse, SW, CNA, chaplain,
etc) meets the volunteer for their first visit just to
go over logistics and procedures and handle any
questions. This builds confidence and a sense of
team for the volunteer as well.
Evaluating your hospice's needs for volunteers as
well as the priority needs of the patients and
families will also help guide a reopening plan. While
every organization is different, we found that
having volunteers screen visitors at the front door
to the IPUs was extremely helpful and low risk. It
also started to build confidence in our teams that
volunteers were ready and willing to help.
Another item to consider in terms of processes is to
make sure that volunteers know when it is (or is not)
appropriate to make a visit. Our volunteers make a
prescreening call prior to an in person visit asking
very similar questions to the ones our clinical teams
ask. If any answer is yes (someone in the home
exposed, with active COVID, or symptomatic), they
indicate that the visit was not made due to
prescreening. Similarly, volunteers need to self
screen before visits or any duties and not come in if
they have any symptoms or exposure risk.
Evaluating your hospice's needs for volunteers as well as the
priority needs of the patients and families will also help guide
a reopening plan.
Newsline / Summer 2021 15

NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021

LAC 2021 Thank You (display ad)
Table of Contents
Virtual Conference 2021 (display ad)
Edo's Message
Measures of Excellence (feature article)
Quality Connections (display ad 1/2 page)
Career Center (display ad 1/2 page)
Business Case for Next Generation
Succession Planning Guide
Re-introducing Volunteers
Signature Programs (display ad)
New Consumer Research
State Hospice Profiles (display ad)
Virtual FUNdraiser thank you (display ad)
Global Partners in Care
Care Vention (display ad)
Providers Earning QC Rings
Project ECHO
NHPCO Survey Medical Group Practice
Innovation Consortium
Palliative Care Certificate Program
Medicare Sequestration Relief
MyHospice Ambassadors
Virtual Conference 2021
FY 2022 Proposed Rule
COVID Grief Support Project
Circle of Life Award
Ooma (display ad)
Diamond Level Strategic Partners
We Honor Veterans Survey
back cover
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Intro
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 1
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - LAC 2021 Thank You (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Table of Contents
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Virtual Conference 2021 (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Edo's Message
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Measures of Excellence (feature article)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 7
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 8
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Career Center (display ad 1/2 page)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Business Case for Next Generation
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 11
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 12
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Succession Planning Guide
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Re-introducing Volunteers
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 15
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 16
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Signature Programs (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - New Consumer Research
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 19
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 20
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 21
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 22
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 23
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - State Hospice Profiles (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Virtual FUNdraiser thank you (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Global Partners in Care
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 27
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 28
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 29
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - 30
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Care Vention (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Providers Earning QC Rings
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Project ECHO
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - NHPCO Survey Medical Group Practice
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Innovation Consortium
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Palliative Care Certificate Program
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Medicare Sequestration Relief
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - MyHospice Ambassadors
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - FY 2022 Proposed Rule
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - COVID Grief Support Project
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Ooma (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - Diamond Level Strategic Partners
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - We Honor Veterans Survey
NHPCO NewsLine Summer 2021 - back cover