NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 27

Capturing Glimmers of Light Through
By Karen Henrich and Mason Henrich
As photographers, we capture images of children through
our camera lenses. When you look at the photos, you see
children through our eyes. You see freckles, bruises, giggles,
and tears, but through the eyes of the children themselves,
we see what is truly important. To see the world through
the eyes of a child is to see a world filled with joy,
excitement, love, purity, peace, curiosity, and, most
importantly, wonder, no matter if they are healthy or
potentially life-limited.
Fifteen years ago, the non-profit Moment by Moment was
established so that, through our lenses, we can capture
the determination illuminated by children that have a
potential life-limiting or chronically life-impacting disease
or disorder. With a cadre of professional photographers in
California, we have captured precious images of
thousands of children and their families in both the
children's hospital and pediatric hospice settings, always
at no charge to the family. Through these poignant
images, it is evident that the spirit of a child does not hide
in their illness. Instead, they radiate hope, courage, and an
unbreakable connection with their families. We capture
those glimmers of light that will provide indelible
memories to share with others.
" Why take portraits for a family during such a difficult
time when their child is ill? " This is a pervasive question
that inevitably arises when we explain our mission
statement to someone. The simple answer: more than
ever, families in these situations want to document and
celebrate what they have this day, this moment. Perhaps
it is more than that, though. Usually, we think of
photography as an opportunity to capture a memorable
moment in time without giving thought to its potential
healing power or therapeutic dimension. However, just as
photographs immortalize a moment, they also express
and evoke a sentiment unique to each individual who views
them. Therefore, capturing a moment of beauty allows the
viewer to pause for a few seconds, feel life run through the
image, feel connected, and remember that in living life, we
are only secured this moment.
When viewed in this light, we can begin to comprehend the
enormous healing power of photographs. In fact, Photo
Therapy techniques are therapy practices that use people's
personal images taken by others (and the feelings and
memories those photos evoke) as catalysts to deepen
insight and enhance communication during sessions in
ways not possible using words alone. In the setting of our
unique mission, we witness the capacity of photographs to
act as expressions of love, objects of hope, and tools in the
process of grief.
It is our blessing to work with these families, and for each
one, through images, we paint a visual story. Some stories
continue on year to year, while other stories cut short by the
ravages of cruel diseases are still so vibrantly portrayed.
...more than ever, families in these
situations want to document and
celebrate what they have this day, this
Newsline / Winter 2021 27

NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021

LAC 2022 (display ad)
Table of Contents
Health Pivots Hospice State Profiles (display ad)
Edo's Message
NHPCO Facts and Figures (feature article)
Career Center (display ad)
Professional Development in 2022
Webinar Series 2022 (display ad)
IDC21 Thank You
NHPCO Delivers
NHPCO Signature Programs (display ad)
Improving Quality
NHPCO Quality Connections (display ad)
Glimmers of Life - Photography
CMS News of Importance
Project ECHO
Conference Posters
Palliative Care Resources
We Honor Veterans Resources
CareVention (display ad)
back cover
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Intro
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 1
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - LAC 2022 (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Table of Contents
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Health Pivots Hospice State Profiles (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Edo's Message
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - NHPCO Facts and Figures (feature article)
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 7
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 8
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 9
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 10
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Career Center (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Professional Development in 2022
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 13
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 14
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Webinar Series 2022 (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 16
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - IDC21 Thank You
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - NHPCO Delivers
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 19
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 20
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - NHPCO Signature Programs (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Improving Quality
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 23
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 24
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - NHPCO Quality Connections (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Glimmers of Life - Photography
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 27
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 28
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 29
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Empathy
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - 31
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - CMS News of Importance
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - Project ECHO
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - CareVention (display ad)
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - We Honor Veterans Resources
NHPCO NewsLine Winter 2021 - back cover