PORTFOLIO Checks & Balances By Rebeca Romero Rainey, ICBA Standing strong in uncertain times In these unprecedented times, community bankers like you can look to ICBA for resources and guidance so that you can support the communities you serve. A s community bankers navigate the choppy waters of the coronavirus outbreak and its fi nancial and economic repercussions, ICBA continues to serve and represent our beloved industry in every capacity. 40 Q ICBA Independent Banker Q April 2020 We recognize that these are uncertain times for you, your customers and your local communities. Indeed, the consequences are being felt on a global scale. But just as community banks can look to ICBA as a beacon of support at this critical time, ICBA remains guided by its singular mission of creating and promoting an environment where community banks fl ourish. ICBA is confi dent in the ability of community banks to continue to step up and help local Rebeca Romero Rainey is president and CEO of ICBA.