(SBA) direct lending. We are also challenged with ever-increasing cybersecurity threats and CFPB overreach that need to be assessed and addressed. Noah Wilcox: We need to continue to be on the offensive with our advocacy wins while playing defense in this current regulatory environment. We must continue to fight increased regulation, specialty charter considerations and the potential for more fintech access to traditional rails without the same oversight. Section 1071 data collection requirements and the IRS proposed data collection rules will also continue to be a focus. Preston Kennedy: We must continue to push back on overreach by credit unions, the Farm Credit System and climate assessment proposals. Community bankers have always had an interest in assessing their risks, because it's an inherent part of our business model. We must preserve and protect the ability to do just that. Jack Hartings: I see the biggest advocacy challenges as educating the new agency heads, their staff and the current administration to the community banking business model and the value it brings to the fabric of our nation. It's too easy to create onesize-fits-all rules that directly conflict " WHILE 2022 WILL HAVE ITS SHARE OF UPHILL BATTLES, THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN'T ACCOMPLISH TOGETHER AS AN INDUSTRY. WE WILL CONTINUE TO PROVE THIS TIME AND TIME AGAIN. " -REBECA ROMERO RAINEY, ICBA PRESIDENT AND CEO independentbanker.org Q 43http://www.independentbanker.org