WHAT GREAT RESIGNATION? IN OUR ANNUAL WORKPLACE SURVEY, EMPLOYEES OF ICBA'S BEST COMMUNITY BANKS TO WORK FOR TOLD US THEY BENEFIT FROM ENGAGING CULTURES, OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT AND INNOVATIVE BENEFITS. READ ON TO LEARN THESE EMPLOYERS' SECRETS TO 3 ;3CCL 3A6 ?BL3? JBE>8BE57 METHODOLOGY Each self-nominated community bank's full-time employees were asked to complete a workplace survey hosted by Avannis, an independent research agency. Access to the survey was protected by a PIN unique to each bank. Only community banks that met a minimum of 40% employee participation were eligible for recognition. The survey consisted of 48 scaled responses, and from that an " index " or composite score was calculated. The index represents the average percentage of employees who gave the top rating (Strongly Agree) across all questions. For example, a bank whose employees selected only the most positive responses would achieve an index score of 100%. Eligible banks were then sorted into fi ve asset classes. The community bank with the highest index score in each asset class was chosen as the winner in that class. independentbanker.org Q 35http://www.independentbanker.org