Serving the Community Bank Market with Loan Participations and Investment Allocation Needs NEWS Learning Labs preview ICBA LIVE 2022 starts on Feb. 27 in San Antonio, Texas. Along with plenty of networking and entertainment, community bankers will find sessions on everything from cutting-edge technology to innovative recruitment strategies. Here's just some of what to expect: Q Boost Your Ag Lending in a Ruthless Environment: Farm real estate prices have grown by more than 20% in the past year, making ag lending as competitive as ever. You'll learn how to meet your ag lending goals in this market. Q Become a Magnet for Great Talent: The " great resignation " means making your community bank a place that attracts and retains talent is critical. We'll tell you why employees across the U.S. are leaving and what the current workforce expects. Q Inclusivity and Innovation: A workplace that encourages diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) builds a culture of innovation. Learn how to make DEI a part of your community bank's DNA. Q Digital Currency 101: From bitcoin to blockchain, this session will explain what digital currencies are and what they mean for your community bank. Q Understanding Your Bank's Unique Risk: It's important to keep a pulse on consumer and industry demands. Learn how to develop an approach to regulatory compliance that suits your bank. See the full list of Learning Labs and more at, and learn more about ICBA LIVE on page 52. We Are Proud to Support ICBA Live 2022 Stop by our Booth! Let PM Internal Audit Services Be Your Third Line of Defense! We provide a full range of services to cover every area of your financial institution &)&%$! ! ! %#&% !#%! !!) )#$%)$ %#'$ " %%! $% !'( #%) &%!#)$$& *%! CONTACT OUR PRESIDENT & CEO JOEL DUNN TODAY! VISIT OUR WEBSITE Loan Participations Colliers Mortgage | Commercial Finance :H VHUYH DV OHDG OHQGHU DQG IXQG HDFKQDQFLQJ E\ VHOOLQJ SDUWLFLSDWLRQV WR DQ H[WHQVLYH QHWZRUN RI EDQNV DQG LQVWLWXWLRQDO OHQGHUV $V D FRPPHUFLDOQDQFH FRPSDQ\ ZH VHUYLFH UDWKHU WKDQ FRPSHWH ZLWK FRPPXQLW\ EDQNV Investment Allocation Needs Colliers Securities :H KHOS FRPPXQLW\ EDQNV PHHW WKHLU LQYHVWPHQW DOORFDWLRQ QHHGV RHULQJ DGYLVRU\ VHUYLFHV DQG LQYHVWPHQW SURGXFWV IRUQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV DQG WKHLU DOLDWHV DV ZHOO DV WD[DEOH DQG WD[H[HPSW ERQG LVVXHV IRU FKDUWHU VFKRROV SXEOLF XWLOLWLHV HFRQRPLF GHYHORSPHQW DJHQFLHV DQG VWDWH DQG ORFDO JRYHUQPHQWV We'll be at ICBA LIVE in Booth #505. 6WRS E\ DQG OHDUQ PRUH DERXW ZD\V ZH VHUYH WKH FRPPXQLW\ EDQN PDUNHW DQG ZKDW ZH PD\ EH DEOH WR GR IRU \RXU EDQN &ROOLHUV 0RUWJDJH LV WKH EUDQG XVHG E\ &ROOLHUV 0RUWJDJH //& DQG &ROOLHUV )XQGLQJ //& &ROOLHUV 6HFXULWLHV LV D PHPEHU 6Ζ3&)Ζ15$ &RUSRUDWH 2FH _ _ FROOLHUVFRPQG XV XQGHU VHUYLFHV PM Internal Audit Services is a proud affiliateof Prager Metis.