" Ultimately, the only way for us to be able to compete with the larger banks ... is to find fintech partners that align with our strategic goals as a bank. " -MATT GALLMAN, DRUMMOND COMMUNITY BANK manner to maximize the return for our customers? " For community banks, Gallman is convinced that the message is clear. Assuming some risk by partnering with fintechs and operating more frequently in digital spaces is a smarter bet than refusing to partner and ultimately facing irrelevancy. In the end, he says, " We have no choice but to take the necessary steps to build the right infrastructure, but we also have to take steps to implement the right controls as we're developing these new relationships. " Elizabeth Judd is a writer in Virginia. Build Value in Your Community The Mortgage Partnership Finance® (MPF® ) Program helps institutions QUICK STAT 71% of bankers are either strongly interested in or already working with fintechs in digital account opening Source: Cornerstone Advisors and community lenders gain access to the secondary market where WKH\ FDQ VHOO ORDQV UHFHLYH D VKDUH RI WKH SUR¿ WV DQG FUHDWH DGGLWLRQDO mortgage opportunities in their communities. Learn more about the MPF Products available for conventional/ conforming and government loans by visiting FHLBMPF.com. FHLBMPF.com (877) 345-2673 " Mortgage Partnership Finance " and " MPF " are registered trademarks of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago. The " MPF Mortgage Partnership Finance " logo is a trademark of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago.http://www.FHLBMPF.com http://www.FHLBMPF.com