i Your voice. Your community. Take action! Ready to lend your voice to the community banking cause? Visit the ICBA Grassroots Action Center at icba.org/beheard and access ICBA's Be Heard grassroots advocacy toolkit. A group of community bankers met Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-Texas) in his congressional office during ICBA's 2019 Capital Summit in Washington, D.C. Capital Act of 2019 (S. 1233), introduced by Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), includes ICBA-advocated provisions to reduce reporting requirements and revise the SEC definitions of " accredited " and " nonaccredited " investors to attract new investors. Meanwhile, ICBA community banker Todd McDonald, senior vice president and board director at Liberty Bank & Trust Co. in New Orleans, testified before the House Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions on supporting community banks as alternative providers of small-dollar credit with a more favorable regulatory environment. McDonald encouraged policymakers to allow community banks to develop responsible small-dollar alternatives tailored to the credit needs of their communities. He said banks can provide short-term, small-dollar installment loans that can help meet the needs of consumers while establishing a path to more mainstream financial products. Go straight to the premier non-brokered source. * Only non-brokered CD source vetted and chosen by ICBA * 30+ years, 3000+ institutions * Outstanding support and on-staff regulatory guidance Looking for more? Look no further. Schedule your tour at bankliquiditysource.com 800.285.8626http://www.icba.org/beheard http://www.bankliquiditysource.com