PORTFOLIO Checks & Balances By Thomas Warren, ICBA We're staying focused on communities ICBA's Community Focus 2020 agenda reinforces its local commitment. all Street megabanks are increasingly shuttering branches and withdrawing from Main Street communities, fully shifting their attention to the most affl uent urban areas. Fortunately for areas left behind by the largest banks, locally focused community banks are adding offi ces to meet the needs of these communities. To help community banks extend the nation's 32 Q ICBA Independent Banker Q May 2019 W economic recovery to every corner of every community, ICBA recently released a comprehensive policy platform designed to enhance economic opportunity. The Community Focus 2020 legislative and regulatory agenda off ers common-sense reforms that will better disperse economic opportunity across and throughout every local community. Unfortunately for many parts of the country, local communities hit hardest by the fallout of the Wall Street fi nancial crisis are being left Thomas Warren (thomas.warren@ icba.org) is ICBA vice president of communications.