(&'' C=7 :?H;9JEHO ]eb\ Yekhi[ D[m KI=7 9ekhi[ HWj_d]i ?di_Z[ Oekh 9ecfb[j[ =k_Z[ je C_dd[iejW =eb\ ¼ 9ekhi[i Xo H[]_ed " fW][ +* ¼ 9ekhi[i Xo DWc[ " fW][ +. 7I 7D C=7 C;C8;H This annual directory is one of the many benefi ts of your MGA membership. It is also an indispensable tool for golfers who want to learn more about the golf course down the street, across town or along one of Minnesota's scenic byways and beyond. 9*&&! EKHI;I