(golfcoursedirectory) 2011 MGA 9ekhi[i Xo H;=?ED ¼ F_Ya W h[]_ed$ ¼ <_dZ W Yekhi[$ ¼ B[Whd ceh[$ DM >EM ?J MEHAI D; M9 IM I; C EACH MGA MEMBER COURSE is assigned to one of six regions in Minnesota: Metro (M), Southeast (SE), Southwest (SW), West Central (WC), Northwest (NW) or Northeast (NE). Within each region, courses are listed alphabetically by City, Name and Type: Public (P), Private (PR), Semi-Private (SP) or Resort (R). Additional information about each course is included in the alphabetical Minnesota Golf Courses by Name listing (page 58). H M;IJ 9;DJH7B 0M91 C_d CITY NAME TYPE Albany Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Annandale Annandale Annandale Appleton Battle Lake Becker Benson Bt Albany GC Alexandria GC Atikwa GC at Arrowwood Resort Geneva GC Hardwood Hills GC Lake Miltona GC Albion Ridges GC Southbrook GC Whispering Pines GC Appleton GC Balmoral GC Pebble Creek GC Benson GC P i i Vi C P SP P P P P P P P SP SP P P it GC P H M;IJ 9;DJH7B 0M91 C_d CITY NAME TYPE Albany Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria Annandale Annandale Annandale Appleton Battle Lake Becker Benson Bt Albany GC Alexandria GC Atikwa GC at Arrowwood Resort Geneva GC Hardwood Hills GC Lake Miltona GC Albion Ridges GC Southbrook GC Whispering Pines GC Appleton GC Balmoral GC Pebble Creek GC Benson GC P i i Vi C P SP P P P P P P P SP SP P P it GC P 54 MINNESOTAGOLFER Directory 2011 www.mngolf.orghttp://www.mngolf.org