WE'RE OPEN! The newly renovated driving range and the new Academy 9 Golf Course are open during the regulation course renovation project. BraemarGolf.com | 952-903-5750 6364 John Harris Drive, Edina BRAEMAR ACADE MY 9 DRIVING RANGE THE JOHN RANDLE CHARITY T O URNAMENT The Meadows Bar and Grille | GPS Carts Scenic 18 Hole Championship Golf | Pro Shop MONDAY, JULY 10, 2017 Hazeltine National Golf Club johnrandlecharitygolf.org Secure your spot today! Sponsorships available Benefiting 952.233.5533 | golfthemeadows.com 2400 Mystic Lake Blvd * Prior Lake, MN Owned and Operated by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Communityhttp://www.BraemarGolf.com http://www.johnrandlecharitygolf.org http://www.golfthemeadows.com