REVIEW STL Tones STL Tonality Cab 3, it has a classic SM57 thickness to it. This feels right at home for rock styles. The bright channel is significantly brighter, and would work well for leads that need to cut through a mix or speak a bit louder in a mix without adding energy to the low-mid range. To my ears, it starts out on the sharp and tinny side, but can be tamed with the presence and treble controls. Amp 4 is based on Howard's personal 100W Fender Bassman '57 reissue. This particular Bassman has point-to-point hand wiring done by guitar technician Marc VanGool. This amp has some of the highest headroom and cleanest tones available in the plug-in suite. This makes it great for use with pedals. The low end on this model is plentiful and smooth- not too boomy or muddy. The bright channel also plays very naturally here, without getting overly bright or edgy. Switching the cab around can tighten up the bottom end if it needs to play nice in a full mix; otherwise the default cab for this amp (Cab 4) sounds great. The final amp is based on another Wizard, one which has a less aggressive character and an open sounding clean tone that can push into medium overdrive. This amp plays really well for rhythm parts, with a full and well-balanced sound. It might lean slightly to the darker end, but it can easily brighten Amp 5 Pedals up by switching to the bright channel and adding to the presence settings when needed. I prefer this one on the normal channel, as it sounds more natural to my ears. With the bright channel