Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 18
Idaho to License Virtual
Wholesalers That Operate
in Idaho
The Idaho State Board of Pharmacy will
begin licensing virtual wholesalers that do
business in and into Idaho. The Board has
not previously licensed virtual wholesalers;
however, it has the statutory authority
to do so under Idaho Code 54-1729,
which states that any entity engaging in
the practice of pharmacy is required to be
licensed by the Board. Virtual wholesale
distributors are business entities that
coordinate the distribution of drugs or
drug devices; however, they do not take
physical ownership during the process. The
distributor contracts with other distributors
or third-party logistics entities to facilitate
transfer, storage, and/or delivery to the
final entity (pharmacy, hospital, etc). While
virtual wholesalers never take physical
possession, they are responsible for records
and ensuring the integrity of the chain of
custody. Additional details are available in
the Board's March 2023 Newsletter.
Iowa Reminds Pharmacies of
Upcoming Implementation
Deadline for Basic Alarm and Video
Surveillance Requirements
The Iowa Board of Pharmacy is reminding
each community pharmacy in Iowa that
holds a general pharmacy license of the
upcoming implementation deadline for the
Board's new sub-rule Iowa Administrative
Code 657-6.7(5), which was adopted by
the Board in May 2022. The requirements,
most of which became effective on July 6,
2022, involve implementation of policies and
procedures to ensure appropriate physical
security and monitoring of the pharmacy to
prevent unauthorized access to prescription
drugs, including controlled substances
(CS), and pharmacy records. Components
included in the monitoring requirements
that were given a delayed enforcement date
were the utilization of basic alarm and video
surveillance systems. Pharmacies' policies and
procedures related to the use of basic alarm
and video surveillance systems must establish
the retention of documentation of activities or
recordings retained from the systems, as well as
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contingencies when the systems are temporarily
unavailable. More information can be found in
the Board's March 2023 Newsletter.
New Mexico Defines 'Drugs
of Concern' in Controlled
Substance Prescription
Monitoring Program Rule
During the New Mexico Board of
Pharmacy's January 2023 meeting, the
Board added the reference " drugs of
concern " to Sections 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of
the 16.19.29 New Mexico Administrative
Code - Controlled Substance Prescription
Monitoring Program. In Section 3, the
Board updated the information under
statutory authority. In Sections 6 and
7, the Board referenced and defined the
" drugs of concern " as non-controlled
dangerous drugs that the Board has,
by rule, determined require dispenser
prescription monitoring program reporting
of in the same manner as CS prescription
dispensing, when required reporting
is expected to protect patients due to
interaction of the drug of concern with CS
or other compelling issues. Gabapentin is
a drug of concern, for example. Read more
about the Board's other legislative changes
in the Board's March 2023 Newsletter.
Wyoming Implements Revisions
to Immunization Regulations
Governor Mark Gordon approved
revisions to several chapters of the
Wyoming Pharmacy Act Rules, including
Chapter 16: Immunization Regulations.
The Wyoming State Board of Pharmacy
removed the separate immunization
registration that pharmacists previously
had to obtain in order to prescribe and
administer immunizations. The rule lists
the qualifications for pharmacy technicians
to be able to administer immunizations
under the supervision of a pharmacist who
is also qualified to immunize. Pharmacy
technicians can administer the vaccines
outlined in the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC)-recommended adult
immunization schedule for ages 19 years or
older and the CDC's recommended child
and adolescent immunization schedules
for ages 18 years and younger under
the supervision of a pharmacist who is
qualified to immunize as outlined in the
chapter. Furthermore, all pharmacy staff
members who are qualified to administer
immunizations may administer epinephrine
in the management of an acute allergic
reaction to an immunization. Additional
details about the revisions to the Wyoming
Pharmacy Act Rules are available in the
Board's April 2023 Newsletter.
Most articles published in State Board News are
selected from the newsletters of state boards that
participate in the NABP State Newsletter Program.
Issues are posted on the NABP website on each
participating state's page.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovations-Magazine-June-2023
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Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 2
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