Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 9

Change has been a nearconstant
to pharmacists and
pharmacy regulators
over the last decade,
with many changes
accelerated by the coronavirus disease
2019 pandemic. As pharmacist duties
and responsibilities have increased,
many providers have experienced
greater demand for their services. The
resulting strain has made well-being
and burnout one of the most concerning
issues in pharmacy and pharmacy
regulation today, with burnout affecting
an increasing number of pharmacists,
pharmacy technicians, and interns.
While NABP and other stakeholders continue taking steps to address
these concerns, some pharmacies are increasingly embracing the use of
new technologies to help alleviate some of the stressors that contribute
to burnout. These technologies include artificial intelligence (AI),
immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual
reality (VR), and various automation technologies. Pharmacies that
embrace these technologies may be able to enhance patient engagement,
improve workflows, increase patient safety, and simplify communication.
However, with these potential advancements come challenges.
Of these, the largest is how to ensure that these technologies are used
safely and in step with current pharmacy regulations, particularly
those related to patient privacy. Nevertheless, these technologies are
becoming increasingly prevalent in clinical pharmacies.
Pharmacy practitioners, regulators, and other stakeholders in the
industry should be aware of these developments and their potential
to improve health care performance and outcomes.
JUNE 2023 | 7


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Innovations-Magazine-June-2023

Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 1
Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 2
Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 3
Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 4
Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 5
Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 6
Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 7
Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 8
Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 9
Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 10
Innovations-Magazine-June-2023 - 11
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