2024MarchApril-CJ - 20

worked with over the years had similar
complaints-that young people today
didn't know how to work, " said Manley.
" Bringing the businesses into the
process, be it by field trips or classroom
instruction, helped all parties involved
understand each other. The businesses
would also start getting to know the
students and would have a chance
to feel out who might work well with
the culture and model they had in
place already. "
" It is extremely important for NARSA
members to reach out to the community,
the high schools, the technical colleges
and universities, reaching the next level
of the workforce, being a living example
of what it means to have a work ethic, "
said Chuck Braswell. " These are the
employees of the future, whether they
work for us or someone else. As a team,
we empower our staff to do most of the
talking and training, at each work area,
so the kids hear it from the folks who are
actually doing the work. They can see how
the employees value their job and their
teammates, and the pride that comes
from being a great team member. "
18 | THE COOLING JOURNAL | March/April 2024


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024MarchApril-CJ

2024MarchApril-CJ - 1
2024MarchApril-CJ - 2
2024MarchApril-CJ - 3
2024MarchApril-CJ - 4
2024MarchApril-CJ - 5
2024MarchApril-CJ - 6
2024MarchApril-CJ - 7
2024MarchApril-CJ - 8
2024MarchApril-CJ - 9
2024MarchApril-CJ - 10
2024MarchApril-CJ - 11
2024MarchApril-CJ - 12
2024MarchApril-CJ - 13
2024MarchApril-CJ - 14
2024MarchApril-CJ - 15
2024MarchApril-CJ - 16
2024MarchApril-CJ - 17
2024MarchApril-CJ - 18
2024MarchApril-CJ - 19
2024MarchApril-CJ - 20
2024MarchApril-CJ - 21
2024MarchApril-CJ - 22
2024MarchApril-CJ - 23
2024MarchApril-CJ - 24
2024MarchApril-CJ - 25
2024MarchApril-CJ - 26
2024MarchApril-CJ - 27
2024MarchApril-CJ - 28
2024MarchApril-CJ - 29
2024MarchApril-CJ - 30
2024MarchApril-CJ - 31
2024MarchApril-CJ - 32
2024MarchApril-CJ - 33
2024MarchApril-CJ - 34
2024MarchApril-CJ - 35
2024MarchApril-CJ - 36