2024MarchApril-CJ - 35

The second meeting planned for this year is the 2024
Spring Conference in Chicago. The conference will take
place on June 6-7. We are going to be staying at the
Loews Hotel in Rosemont, which is next to Chicago
O'Hare Airport. DRC Heat Transfer (Diesel Radiator
Company) has agreed to host us for a tour of a few of
their buildings. DRC Heat Transfer is one of the premiere
genset radiator manufacturers in the country. You won't
want to miss this rare opportunity to visit their operation.
Along with tours of DRC Heat Transfer, the group will also
visit AMADA, the world's preeminent CNC metal working
equipment manufacturing company.
Along with the tours, the association has brought
together a star-studded program of presenters for
Thursday's sessions. Sales futurist Meridith Elliott Powell
will be joining us to teach us powerful strategies to
turn uncertainty to a competitive advantage. Back by
popular demand is also Randy Gardner to talk about
safety assessments and lead in the workplace. With
more presentations tailored to help you succeed in your
business, please join us for a spectacular event in a great
city. Go to our website http://narsa-idea.org and register
now. There is an early bird registration price so take
advantage today.
The third event for 2024 will be the International Tour
in September. We are still in the preliminary planning
stages of this event, but the dates are looking like the
middle of September. The location will be Poland and
one our hosts will be SECO/Warwick. Stay tuned for
more information as this will be an opportunity to visit a
beautiful country with a rich history.
The fourth and final event for 2024 is AAPEX. This
event needs no explanation as it is the best Automotive
Aftermarket show in North America. With each passing
year, our Member Appreciation Reception (MAR)
has become more popular. That will be on Tuesday,
November 5, and as always, the reception will be at
Harrah's in the Tahoe Ballroom. Members will also have
an opportunity to join our annual Seekins/O'Connor Golf
Challenge on Monday, November 4 at Rio Secco.
One last item of business. We have changed the website
and management system for the association. If you have
not logged into the website, please try doing so now. If
there are any issues, the sooner we know the better it will be for everyone.
Like with our old system, there is a member's only area and special pricing
for events. Without a valid login, it will make registration for any event
more difficult. Please attempt to login today, http://narsa-idea.org.
And in case you are wondering why I am writing the Executive Director's
editorial, it is because I have stepped back in as the interim Executive
Director. NARSA/IDEA's Board of Directors asked Sandy and I if we
would come back to manage the association on an interim basis.
We agreed and are happy to be able to serve the great members of
this association.
Until next time,
Mark Taylor
NARSA/IDEA Interim Executive Director
Be sure to follow @narsanow
March/April 2024 | THE COOLING JOURNAL | 33
http://www.narsa-idea.org http://www.narsa-idea.org


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2024MarchApril-CJ

2024MarchApril-CJ - 1
2024MarchApril-CJ - 2
2024MarchApril-CJ - 3
2024MarchApril-CJ - 4
2024MarchApril-CJ - 5
2024MarchApril-CJ - 6
2024MarchApril-CJ - 7
2024MarchApril-CJ - 8
2024MarchApril-CJ - 9
2024MarchApril-CJ - 10
2024MarchApril-CJ - 11
2024MarchApril-CJ - 12
2024MarchApril-CJ - 13
2024MarchApril-CJ - 14
2024MarchApril-CJ - 15
2024MarchApril-CJ - 16
2024MarchApril-CJ - 17
2024MarchApril-CJ - 18
2024MarchApril-CJ - 19
2024MarchApril-CJ - 20
2024MarchApril-CJ - 21
2024MarchApril-CJ - 22
2024MarchApril-CJ - 23
2024MarchApril-CJ - 24
2024MarchApril-CJ - 25
2024MarchApril-CJ - 26
2024MarchApril-CJ - 27
2024MarchApril-CJ - 28
2024MarchApril-CJ - 29
2024MarchApril-CJ - 30
2024MarchApril-CJ - 31
2024MarchApril-CJ - 32
2024MarchApril-CJ - 33
2024MarchApril-CJ - 34
2024MarchApril-CJ - 35
2024MarchApril-CJ - 36