ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 65

Campus  ❙ Brèves

ESCP transforms itself with adaptive learning
As part of the school's " phygital " transformation plan, ESCP Business School
started collaborating with EdTech start-up
Domoscio to implement an adaptive learning approach.
In 2019, ESCP Business School launched
its phygital transformation plan, called
" So'SCHOOL " and made up of some forty
projects. All of them aim to transform students' learning experience by offering new,
bold and innovative digital services. A number of these projects are currently driven by
ESCP's digital & learning innovation team in a
structure dedicated to experimentation: the
Phygital Factory. It is within this framework
that Domoscio and ESCP have launched a
partnership for adaptive learning. " As every
teacher knows, no student is alike. Each
of them has his/her own characteristics,
peculiarities, abilities and weaknesses, and
broad-based learning approaches could
be ineffective to embrace this complexity
over the long term. Adaptive learning is
an educational system based on technology and data analysis, allowing teachers to
track each students' performance and adjust
methods/programs to their needs " , commented newly-appointed Associate Dean of
Learning Innovation, professor José Ramón
Cobo, who is moving forward in rethinking
student pathways and experiences with the
school's Chief Digital Officer, Anthony Hié.
An enhanced and individualized student
experience, even for distance learningAccording to the latter, " adaptive learning
consists in using the benefits of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) & big data to create the best
possible online learning experience for students. " With blended (physical & digital) and
modular teaching activities, the challenge
is to provide students with a tailor-made
experience throughout their time at the
school. Thanks to Domoscio's adaptive learning solution, the students' learning data is
processed using AI to determine their profile
and pedagogical needs (known as learning
analytics), and to build the most relevant
learning path for them.
Two element s are e s sential for t his:
1.The implementation of a continuous assessment strategy: among the types of data

used by adaptive learning, assessment data
is essential to measure students' progress
towards their learning objectives and estimate the skills gap. This data comes from
positioning tests, online quizzes, grades,
project-based learning assessments...
2.The implementation of a recommendation engine: once the students' levels have
been positioned in relation to their learning
objectives, adaptive learning can provide
recommendations of pedagogical activities
suited to their needs, and build a logical,
optimal and blended path.
The interest of adaptive learning also lies
in implementing a predictive approach: by
grouping students in homogeneous groups,
measuring and comparing their progress
as well as matching specific content with
defined profiles.
Implications for business and management
Nowadays, students have a diverse educational and knowledge background when
attending a class. It comes naturally to think
that progression in higher education institutions should not only consider students'
age and time spent in class, but should be
more focused on proficiency. In addition to
giving students the right amount of time to
maximize their efficiency and engagement,
there are other significant implications in
putting adaptive learning into practice. Think
about how useful it would be for teachers
to get real-time analytics about their class'
performance, emerging struggles and successful exercises. Thanks to automated data
analysis, they could promptly intervene on
critical issues and adjust their methods to
solve them.
Here are some of ESCP's opportunities with
adaptive learning: Identify competency gaps;
custom-design training by providing focused
attention to every individual student; adjust
to different learning styles; update when
information changes.
A first pilot for executive education
Initiated in June 2020, the collaboration
between ESCP and Domoscio first led to an
audit of the existing tools, data and content

ESCP Alumni Magazine numéro 193  ❙  1er TRIMESTRE 2021

in the ESCP course catalogue. ESCP Business
School then decided to implement a pilot
project starting in the spring of 2021 for
executive education programs. As part of the
pilot, the Domoscio Hub portal will be integrated into the learning system and will allow
to index a set of learning materials hosted
on the different platforms used: Blackboard,
FUN or Coursera, for example. The system
implemented for this pilot will allow ESCP
and Domoscio to validate the learning experience, involve teachers in these new methods
and confirm adaptive learning's impact. First
results are expected in the summer of 2021.
ESCP Business School is ranked 8th in the
Financial Times European Business Schools
The Financial Times has published its " European Business Schools 2020 " ranking today,
which ranks the top 90 graduate business
schools in Europe. ESCP Business School
ranks 8th, which is an increase of 6 places
from last year.
ESCP, therefore, returns to the Top 10 management schools in Europe, while ranking 4th
in France, 2nd in the UK, Italy and Spain,
and 1st in Germany and Poland. ESCP ranks
highly across the board, with most notably
2nd place for its Master in Finance, 7th for its
EMBA, and 6th for its Master in Management.
Professor Frank Bournois, Executive President
& Dean, adds " This fantastic result underlines
the hard work carried out by the school to
achieve and maintain excellence in all our
programmes, in terms of academic content,
faculty research, and student experience. "
The business school is also incredibly diverse,
with 83% of its faculty being international,
and 100% of its faculty having a doctorate.
This is invaluable for the institution as it
continues to teach students how to thrive
in an ever more global business environment. With this ranking, ESCP shows that it
can tackle the global challenges related to
the post-covid world (climate emergency,
digital transformation...) in the best possible

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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021

Table des matières de la publication ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021

Ils bougent - Rémy DESSARTS (78), Pierre-André IMBERT (EMBA 02), Arnaud BAZIN (96), Thibaut GUILLUY (99)
- Vivre dans un monde incertain
- Interview de Frédéric FRERY, professeur de stratégie
- Récit de Voyage, Clara DUMARD (20)
- L’aventure LOKALERO, Ophélie LE GRAND (17)
- Un jour sans fin, Tribune de Stéphane DISTINGUIN (97)
- Agir dans un monde incertain, Tribune d’Arnaud MOUROT (99)
La Grande Interview - Chady EL KHOURY (07), Senior Counsel at the Financial Integrity Group, IMF
En Immersion - L’ambition d’Alima, Guillaume LE DUC (03) et Augustin AUGIER (03)
Créateurs - Malaury MORIN (20), fondatrice de Blutopia
Créateurs - Marc TEMPELMAN (92) , co-fondateur de Cashbee
Échos du réseau - The "2020 US Elections" debate
Échos du réseau - Zoom sur le boom des podcasts en France
Échos du réseau - À lire
École - Les Alumni, témoins du temps de la COVID 19
École - The Choice that saved her business
École - How the ESCP Executive MBA Reached #7 worlwide
École - Brèves
Chairs & Professorships - La chaire Économie Circulaire sur tous les fronts
Green is Good ! - ESCP, une école résolument engagée
Fondation - Zoom sur le programme de bourses Égalité des chances
Student Life - Le pari d’Improglio
Student Life - GEA Sustainability ESCP
Student Life - WINL
Student Life - ESCP Energy Society
Rencontre - Conversation poétique entre Vincent AVANZI (04) et Gaël FAYE
Rencontre - Brotherlands par Patrick WACK (04)
Questionnaire de Proust - Ophélie LE GRAND (17)
Questionnaire de Proust - Elias ORPHELIN
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Couverture
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Pub1
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Editorial
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Sommaire
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Zapping
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Ils bougent - Rémy DESSARTS (78), Pierre-André IMBERT (EMBA 02), Arnaud BAZIN (96), Thibaut GUILLUY (99)
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Agenda/Carnet
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 15
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - - Vivre dans un monde incertain
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 17
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 21
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - - Interview de Frédéric FRERY, professeur de stratégie
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 23
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - - Récit de Voyage, Clara DUMARD (20)
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 27
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - - L’aventure LOKALERO, Ophélie LE GRAND (17)
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 29
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - - Un jour sans fin, Tribune de Stéphane DISTINGUIN (97)
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 31
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - - Agir dans un monde incertain, Tribune d’Arnaud MOUROT (99)
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 33
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 34
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - La Grande Interview - Chady EL KHOURY (07), Senior Counsel at the Financial Integrity Group, IMF
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 37
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - En Immersion - L’ambition d’Alima, Guillaume LE DUC (03) et Augustin AUGIER (03)
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Créateurs - Malaury MORIN (20), fondatrice de Blutopia
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 47
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Créateurs - Marc TEMPELMAN (92) , co-fondateur de Cashbee
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 49
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 50
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Échos du réseau - The "2020 US Elections" debate
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Échos du réseau - Zoom sur le boom des podcasts en France
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Échos du réseau - À lire
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 54
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - École - Les Alumni, témoins du temps de la COVID 19
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 56
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 57
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - École - The Choice that saved her business
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 60
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 61
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - École - How the ESCP Executive MBA Reached #7 worlwide
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 63
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - École - Brèves
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 65
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Chairs & Professorships - La chaire Économie Circulaire sur tous les fronts
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 67
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Green is Good ! - ESCP, une école résolument engagée
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 69
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Fondation - Zoom sur le programme de bourses Égalité des chances
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 71
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Student Life - Le pari d’Improglio
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Student Life - GEA Sustainability ESCP
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Student Life - WINL
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Student Life - ESCP Energy Society
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 78
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - LA VIE DES ENTREPRISES
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Rencontre - Conversation poétique entre Vincent AVANZI (04) et Gaël FAYE
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 102
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - 103
ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Rencontre - Brotherlands par Patrick WACK (04)
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Questionnaire de Proust - Ophélie LE GRAND (17)
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ESCP ALUMNI magazine - #193 - 1er trimestre 2021 - Questionnaire de Proust - Elias ORPHELIN
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