Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 8

Organizations that consider factors
beyond monetary value improve the
overall recruitment and selection process
and reduce employee turnover.
of promoting a business or organization
Employer branding describes an employer's
reputation and the offerings
and value to employees. Many Victorian
ARC managers did not adequately
consider the impact of their
center's image on the recruitment
and retention process. ARCs adopted
one of two distinctive employer
branding and promotion approaches
that reveal a significant wage gap in
the aquatics industry. Government
ARCs assumed that sizeable monetary
reimbursements would entice
the best lifeguard candidates. ARC
managers from commercial and
not-for-profit facilities accepted the
inconsistencies in lifeguard wages.
Consequently, they focused on training
opportunities, free memberships
and award programs to attract the
strongest candidates.
ARC employer branding and promotion
efforts should emphasize
non-monetary factors, focusing on
the importance of psychological values,
innovation values and application
values. Employer branding and
promotion generally consist of innovation
opportunities, feelings of confidence
and self-worth, and, typically,
growth, learning and the ability to
practice one's knowledge and skills.
Organizations that consider factors
beyond monetary value improve the
overall recruitment and selection process
and reduce employee turnover.
candidates involves
creating a " short list " of applicants
that ARCs want to invite to the next
step of the recruitment process. Currently,
ARCs are shortlisting against
the quality and content of the application,
candidates' age and availability
- failing to consider important
KSAs. Our study identified the
KSAs sought by ARCs that include
communication, reasoning, conflict
and problem-solving.
We recommend not dismissing the
current practices, but instead, adding
stages to create a multifaceted
shortlisting framework. For example,
ARCs should explore past experiences
to match candidates' KSAs
with the needs of the ARC. Furthermore,
ARCs should explore candidates'
personal qualities and determine
if these have an appropriate fit
within the organization. Appropriate
fit can be determined during the
shortlisting process or when implementing
selection techniques.
Recruitment decisions should not
be based on the results of one selection
technique alone. ARCs need
to combine two or more selection
8 Parks & Recreation | A QU AT IC S GUIDE 2 0 22 | PARK S ANDRECRE AT ION . OR G
techniques to assess KSAs. Importantly,
ARCs use multiple selection
techniques to assess candidates (e.g.,
telephone pre-screening, group interviews
and reference checks). However,
only around half of the study
participants completed work sample
assessments. During work sample
tests, applicants complete a nominated
set of physical tasks like those
required in the lifeguard role (e.g., a
cardiopulmonary resuscitation scenario,
a bone fracture or a spinal injury
emergency). ARC managers who
did not use work sample assessments
considered them to be impractical
and time-consuming. When ARCs
omit work sample assessments from
their recruitment and selection process,
they miss an early opportunity
to assess those practical skills and
abilities required by lifeguards. The
work sample assessment also provides
a further opportunity to provide
candidates with an RJP in their
potential new working environment.
Arguably, an ARC's most crucial
asset is its workforce, including gym
attendants, customer service staff
and pool lifeguards. These individuals
put the material resources (e.g.,
financial and physical) into use and
convert them into aquatic and recreational
programs and services.
Worryingly, a shortage of pool lifeguards
is causing significant disruptions
across the aquatics industry.
The findings from our study indicate
that a focus on the HR processes of
forecasting, job analysis, employer
branding, shortlisting and selection
with a rigorous RJP may improve
lifeguard recruitment and retention
and reduce lifeguard turnover.
Michael Butson is a Ph.D. student at
Monash University (michaelcbutson@ Dr. John Tower is Honorary
Research Fellow at Victoria University

Aquatics Guide - 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Aquatics Guide - 2022

Aquatics Guide - 2022 - Cover1
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - Cover2
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 1
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 2
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 3
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 4
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 5
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 6
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 7
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 8
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 9
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 10
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 11
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - 12
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - Cover3
Aquatics Guide - 2022 - Cover4