Pickleball Courts need shade to protect players, and Shade Systems™ offers the perfect solution! ✓ Multi-Panel Mega Spans cover HUGE spaces and are ideal for shading pickleball courts. ✓ Colorful CoolNet™ shade fabrics provide up to 99% U.V. screening. ✓ All stainless steel hardware and cables for maximum corrosion resistance. ✓ Most comprehensive warranties in the industry. YRS OF EXCELLENCE OF EXCELLENCE YRS - YEARS OF EXCELLENCE YRS OF EXCELLENCE 1.800.609.6066 shadesystemsinc.com/pickleball-courts OF EXCELLENCE YRS PARK S ANDRECRE AT ION . OR G | 2 0 2 1 PL A Y GROUND GUIDE | Parks & Recreation - 5 20 YRS OF EXCELLENCE 2003-2023 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2http://www.shadesystemsinc.com/pickleball-courts